Agenda item

Designation of Selective Licensing Areas 2020-2025

Report of the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment




1.    That Cabinet note the strong evidence and public support for the Selective Licensing of Private Rented properties.


2.    That Cabinet designate the areas in Eastwood and the Town centre, Masbrough (as amended by consultation), Maltby South East and Dinnington as detailed in Appendix 6 of this report, as Mandatory Selective Licensing Areas under Part 3 of the Housing Act 2004.


3.    That approval be given to proceed to implementation with the agreed designation of Thurcroft and Parkgate, given the overall Selective Licensing area is now under the 20% threshold and no longer requires Secretary of State approval.


4.    That Cabinet approve that Little London does not progress to designation, and that alternative arrangements will be tested and reviewed after one year.


Consideration was given to a report which sought to designate areas of Parkgate and Thurcroft for Mandatory Selective Licensing of private rented housing.


It was reported that on 10 June 2019, the Cabinet had agreed that public consultation be undertaken on the proposed designation of parts of Maltby, Dinnington, Eastwood/Town Centre and Masbrough, for Mandatory Selective Licensing of private rented housing. As such, the report provided detail of the feedback from the consultation. The majority (62%) of respondents expressed support for a Mandatory Selective Licensing Scheme. Consequently, the report recommended that those areas should be designated as Selective Licensing areas. At the same meeting in June 2019, the Cabinet agreed to the proposed designation of parts of Parkgate and Thurcroft, subject to confirmation by the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government. The report further described the progress made with the application to the Secretary of State, regarding the declaration of Mandatory Selective Licensing in Parkgate and Thurcroft and, given the changed position since June 2019, recommended proceeding with the implementation of Selective Licensing in those areas.


It was noted that the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board had reviewed the report on 15 January 2020 and had made the following recommendations:-


·                That consideration be given to the presentation of data in a user friendly format when summarising findings from public consultation or other complex numerical or statistical information, with the preferred approach being the style used to present data in Council Plan Performance reports.

·                That arrangements be made to ensure that local Ward Members are briefed by officers ahead of any future consultations conducted by the Council that affect specific Wards and Councillors be provided with information to circulate to residents through Ward surgeries and Ward bulletins.

·                That the findings of the review of the arrangements for Little London in Maltby be submitted to Overview and Scrutiny Management Board prior to any final decision to proceed with designation or to continue with such arrangements.




1.    That Cabinet note the strong evidence and public support for the Selective Licensing of Private Rented properties.


2.    That Cabinet designate the areas in Eastwood and the Town Centre, Masbrough (as amended by consultation), Maltby South East and Dinnington as detailed in Appendix 6 of this report, as Mandatory Selective Licensing Areas under Part 3 of the Housing Act 2004.


3.    That approval be given to proceed to implementation with the agreed designation of Thurcroft and Parkgate, given the overall Selective Licensing area is now under the 20% threshold and no longer requires Secretary of State approval.


4.    That Cabinet approve that Little London does not progress to designation, and that alternative arrangements will be tested and reviewed after one year.


5.    That the following recommendations from Overview and Scrutiny Management Board be approved:-


i)       That consideration be given to the presentation of data in a user friendly format when summarising findings from public consultation or other complex numerical or statistical information, with the preferred approach being the style used to present data in Council Plan Performance reports.


ii)      That arrangements be made to ensure that local Ward Members are briefed by officers ahead of any future consultations conducted by the Council that affect specific Wards and Councillors be provided with information to circulate to residents through Ward surgeries and Ward bulletins.


iii)     That the findings of the review of the arrangements for Little London in Maltby be submitted to Overview and Scrutiny Management Board prior to any final decision to proceed with designation or to continue with such arrangements.


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