Agenda item

Operational Delivery of LAC Sufficiency Strategy - Proposals to Develop New Residential Provision

Report of the Interim Strategic Director of Children and Young People’s Services




1.    That the proposal to develop in-house residential provision in the borough, as required to deliver the LAC Sufficiency Strategy 2019-2022, be approved.


2.    That approval be given to progress to operational delivery of two properties in the first instance and also for the continued development of the plan to deliver the intention of the strategy.


3.    That a further report be presented to Cabinet on the submission of the Ofsted registration for the first two homes, and any requests for permission to move to the next stage of the programme which will include an update on the financial implications.



Consideration was given to a report which outlined Rotherham Children and Young People’s Services strategic intention to reduce external residential placements and ensure more Rotherham looked after children and young people are placed within borough close to their family and community networks.


It was reported that Rotherham was a regional, statistical neighbour and national outlier for the number of looked after children and young people placed in out of area external residential placements. Rotherham did not have any in-house residential provision, so when a child required a residential placement this was provided through an external provider. Such placements were high cost and predominantly out of borough.  The report proposed to develop a range of in-house residential provision including emergency accommodation for Rotherham looked after children.


It was noted that such new provision, along with foster care, third party in-borough block contracts, semi independent provision and other family based placements, would provide a mixed economy of arrangements which would effectively meet Rotherham’s statutory duties, outlined in the Sufficiency Strategy 2019 -2022.   The proposal also provided an opportunity for Rotherham to invest in residential provision which would:


·         Ensure more children and young people are placed in Rotherham close to their communities, families, friends and schools.

·         Deliver improved outcomes for looked after children.

·         Develop a service model that encourages step-down to family based placements.

·         Provide a local response to the increasing demand for a range of residential placements.

·         Provide greater flexibility and control of provision.

·         Reduce placement costs and support the delivery of directorate savings.




1.    That the proposal to develop in-house residential provision in the borough, as required to deliver the LAC Sufficiency Strategy 2019-2022, be approved.


2.    That approval be given to progress to operational delivery of two properties in the first instance and also for the continued development of the plan to deliver the intention of the strategy.


3.    That a further report be presented to Cabinet on the submission of the Ofsted registration for the first two homes, and any requests for permission to move to the next stage of the programme which will include an update on the financial implications

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