Anne Marie Lubanski, RMBC - Update from a workshop session to develop the plan to improving the health and wellbeing of carers
Jo Hinchcliffe, Service Improvement and Governance Manager, gave the following powerpoint presentation:-
- Carer Assessment and Eligibility Policy Guidance for Carers finalised on 4th January, 2019 – due review date July 2019
- Carers Action Plan 2018-2020 – Department of Health and Social Care
Carers Survey July, 2019
- No joined up working and lack of liaison between Services/Departments
- Services contradict each other and budget cuts were impacting on Services with lengthy waiting lists
- Carers feel isolated, frustrated, undervalued and unheard
- Carers feel passed around between Services and the transition from Children to Adults is not a smooth process
- Not clear of who to contact and where to go for advice
- Carers want a designated person to assist with all aspects of support
Things to Do
- Update the carer profile including young carers
- Review of the current Strategy – Impact Assessment/focus group work
- Assistive technology offer – carers embedded within
- Assessment process reviewed and recommendations made
- Carer journey mapped
- Carers Centre – Impact Assessment
- Partnership Board – review Terms of Reference
- Information offer – scope it out
- Carer Services – asset mapping of what is out there
- Activity and events planned
- Training prospectus
Things to aim for
- We will commit to improving how carers are involved in the production and design of services
- We will make sure carers feel informed about and involved in the conservations surrounding the person they care for
- We will look at how to widen personal budgets
- We will work with employers to raise awareness of flexible working policies
- We will support carers taking a break from caring
- We will make it easy for carers to get the right information at the right time
- We will ensure carer assessments incorporate solutions that include friends, family and the wider community
Proposed High Level Implementation Plan 2020-21
Quarter 1
- Governance Review – Partnership Board’s Terms of Reference refreshed
- Review of the Carer Strategy
- Adult Social Care Pathway: Process mapping/assessments consistency checks
- Carers Centre – Review/Impact Assessment
- Information Officer – scoping work partner conversations
Quarter 2
- Quarterly highlight report into Health and Wellbeing Board
- Co-production work for the Strategy
- Assistive Technology – requirement for carers
- Carer journey mapping (with partners)
- Information Officer - co-production (digital channels)
Quarter 3
- Quarterly highlight report into Health and Wellbeing Board
- Consultation work for the Strategy
- Feed into the Digital Solutions Programme
- ASC Pathway – Refresh Policy Guidance for Carers
- Carers Centre – future options/consultation
- Information Officer – consultation linked to Strategy work
Quarter 4
- Quarterly highlight report into Health and Wellbeing Board
- Refreshed Carer Strategy 2021-25
- ASC Pathway consistently applied
- Carer Centre offer re-profiled
- Information, advice and guidance offer refreshed
Proposed Timeline of Activity 2020-21
Start-up Activity February-March, 2020
- Scoping work (reported into SMT 5th March)
- Business case to DLT (10th March)
- Health and Wellbeing Board update 11th March
- Project Group set up (reports into Project Assurance Meeting from 19th March)
- Programme-Implementation Plan (signed off at Project Assurance Meeting 19th March)
Discussion ensued on the presentation with the following issues raised/clarified:-
· The requirement of sign off by other organisations involved with carers needed to be included within the timetable for signoff of the Strategy
· Ensure the scoping exercise included other carer groups within Rotherham
· Identification of young carers
· Apps for carers particular for those of the younger generation
· Use of technology would provide data which could be use for the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
Resolved:- (1) That the update on the Carers Framework 2020-21 be noted.
(2) That the Board receives updates on a 6 monthly basis.
Action:- Jo Hinchcliffe
Supporting documents: