Report of the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment
1. That Cabinet recommend to Council that the proposed Licensing Act 2003: Statement of Licensing Policy 2020-2025 be adopted.
2. That Cabinet approve the Cumulative Impact Policy which details a Cumulative Impact Assessment for a specific area in Wickersley.
Consideration was given to the report which detailed how Section 5 of the Licensing Act 2003 required a licensing authority to prepare and publish a statement of its licensing policy at least every five years.
The Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy was last published in 2011.
In December 2019, Cabinet approved the second, formal stage of consultation on a drafted policy. This consultation had now concluded, and the outcome of the consultation has informed a finalised Statement of Licensing Policy, which is presented to Cabinet for consideration and recommended for approval.
Alongside the Licensing Policy, a Cumulative Impact Policy had been drafted and consulted upon which included a Cumulative Impact Assessment for a part of Wickersley to identify whether there was sufficient evidence to implement a Cumulative Impact Zone.
In the second stage of consultation, the Council have consulted at length with Ward councillors, licensees, residents and other responsible authorities, and have concluded that there was more than enough evidence, as required by the statutory guidance, to proceed with implementing a Cumulative Impact Zone in Wickersley.
Data from the Police, the NHS and Public Health suggested that Wickersley had a high saturation of licensed premises, and that the density of these premises had a negative impact on crime and anti-social behaviour, as well as putting health at risk through an increase in ambulance call-outs directly related to alcohol consumption.
It was important that the whole area be considered in order not to displace the problems or accentuate further crime. As part of the consultation there had been a number of questions and the reasons for why the decision was made to include not just part of the Wickersley area was confirmed. The tools were, therefore, given to the Licensing Board so that they could consider the wider area rather than just a narrow view.
The report had been subject to pre-decision scrutiny by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board on 18th March, 2020 where Members had indicated their support for the revised Statement of Licensing Policy be supported.
Furthermore, Overview and Scrutiny Management Board had indicated that further consideration be made to the geographical designation of the proposed Cumulative Impact Zone for Wickersley with the view that the designation be restricted to the area north of the A631 Bawtry Road.
Having considered this recommendation, Cabinet were not supportive of the proposal from the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board.
(1) That Council be recommended to agree that the proposed Licensing Act 2003: Statement of Licensing Policy 2020-2025 be adopted.
(2) That the Cumulative Impact Policy which details a Cumulative Impact Assessment for a specific area in Wickersley be approved.
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