Consideration was given to a report that was submitted for pre-decision scrutiny ahead of the Cabinet meeting scheduled for 23 March 2020 in respect of the revised Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Policy.
The Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment and the Licensing Manager attended the meeting to present the report.
The report stated that the revised Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy that had been introduced in July 2015 was now due for review, and as such the Council had consulted on a number of proposed changes to the policy. It was noted that the review would ensure that the policy continued to deliver the highest standard of licensed drivers, vehicles and operators in Rotherham, and also enable it to continue to be viewed as an example of best practice licensing practice nationally.
The Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment and the Licensing Manager attended the meeting to present the report.
The revised policy included a number of proposed changes to the existing policy. A summary of the consultation process was included in the officer’s report with a summary of responses attached as an appendix
The proposed changes to the Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Policy included:
· Including a clause in the ‘Fitness and Propriety’ requirements for both drivers and operators obliging them to meet the requirements of the Public Sector Equality Duty.
· Allowing, in exceptional circumstances, and with caveats, that a driver’s medical assessment to be carried out by a GP other than their own.
· Ancillary staff, such as call operators being required to have a basic Disclosure and Barring Service check.
· Drivers having to complete safeguarding refresher training every three years.
Members asked whether it would be beneficial for the protection of both drivers and customers if both the security cameras and audio recording were switched on in vehicles at all times. The Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment advised that revised signage was being developed that would highlight the audio recording facility that had been recommended after the consultation had shown that most passengers had not been aware that audio recording was available. The Licensing Manager noted that it had originally been proposed that both security camera and audio recording were enabled at all times, however guidance received from the Information Commissioner had been that such a practice could not be implemented due to the unjustifiable invasion on drivers and passengers privacy that such a policy would make. The Licensing Manager advised that the proposed policy where recording would always used in certain prescribed circumstances, accompanied by the ability for both drivers and passengers to switch audio recording on struck an effective balance between the need to provide effective safeguarding and the need to preserve the privacy of both drivers and passengers.
The Chair asked with regard to proposals highlighted in the report as requiring further consultation, how that consultation would take place in view of the current situation regarding the Coronavirus pandemic. The Licensing Manager advised that the full consultation process had yet to be determined but advised that in the most recent consultation 1,900 responses had been received online and as such noted that even if face to face consultation was scaled back an effective on broad consultation could still take place.
Resolved: -
That Cabinet be advised that the recommendations be supported.
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