Agenda item

Questions from Members of the Public


To receive questions from members of the public who wish to ask a general question in respect of matters within the Council’s area of responsibility or influence.


As the Cabinet will be meeting virtually in accordance with the provisions of the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown regulations, members of the public should email their question to and an officer will read the question to the meeting. A response to the question will be provided during the meeting and will be available to view through the recording of the meeting on the Council’s website.


Councillors may also ask questions under this agenda item using the same procedure outlined above.



As the Cabinet met virtually in accordance with the provisions of the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown regulations, members of the public were invited to email questions that would be read by an officer for the relevant Cabinet Member to answer.


Two questions were received from Mr Rodgers in advance of the meeting:-


1.    When are the refunds are going to be made for the garden waste collections that have not been provided?

2.    How is the council going to clear the backlog of garden waste which is piling up?


In response, the Cabinet Member for Waste, Roads and Community Safety thanked Mr Rodgers for his questions and thanked the broader public for their patience during the pandemic which had led to a six week pause of the garden waste service, however that service would be resumed on 11 May 2020 (the date of the meeting). The Cabinet Member confirmed that the details of reimbursement were being worked through by officers and the final position would be communicated to residents once that work had been completed.


With regard to the second question, the Cabinet Member indicated that she would work with officers to review the impact of the pausing of the garden waste collection service. Furthermore she recognised that it would take some time for normality to return. The Cabinet Member took the opportunity to pay tribute to the efforts of staff in the Waste service who had continued to work throughout the pandemic to provide refuse and recycling collection services in the borough.