Agenda item

Financial Support for Older Peoples Residential Care Homes during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Report of the Strategic Director of Adult Care, Housing and Public Health




1.    It is recommended that Cabinet support Option 1 Cash Grants and approve:


                      i.        Advance additional payments of £15k to each Older Peoples’ Care Home in Rotherham (a total cost of £495k)


                    ii.        The provision of a £100k contingency fund for Adult Care to utilise should additional emergency funding be required.


                   iii.        That the costs are funded from the Government grant referred to within the report.


                   iv.        That the position be reviewed after the 12 week period (start date 1 April 2020) and any further requirements be brought back to Cabinet for decision.


Consideration was given to a report which detailed the duties outlined in the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care’s letter with a specific focus on care Homes for Older People covering both residential and nursing provision.


It was reported that there are 34 Care Homes for Older People in Rotherham, with a total capacity of 1,677 beds in the independent sector. Care Home sustainability was a key driver in ensuring that the social care system supported NHS hospitals in both Rotherham and Sheffield to discharge Rotherham residents within the three hour limit when they are fit for discharge safely back into the borough within a supportive environment, thereby freeing up the valuable hospital beds for other Covid-19 patients.


The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care wrote to all local authorities on 19 March 2020 outlining the financial support available to support the response to Covid-19. The Council had been allocated two un-ringfenced grants totalling £16.2m to support the Council in meeting additional costs associated with its response to Covid-19. Within the grant letter were specific requirements to support Adult Social Care based on the guidance previously issued to local authority commissioners by the LGA, ADASS and the Care Provider Alliance to Adult Care commissioners.




1.    That approval be given to advance additional payments of £15k to each Older Peoples’ Care Home in Rotherham (a total cost of £495k).


2.    That approval be given to the provision of a £100k contingency fund for Adult Care to utilise should additional emergency funding be required.


3.    That the costs be funded from the Government grant referred to within the report.


4.    That the position be reviewed after the 12 week period (start date 1 April 2020) and any further requirements be brought back to Cabinet for decision.



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