Report of the Assistant Chief Executive
1. That the COVID-19 management and control arrangements that are in place be noted.
2. That the COVID-19 workstreams and the action being taken be noted.
3. That feedback be provided in relation to the workstreams and current actions.
Consideration was given to a report submitted for information which detailed the way in which the Council had responded to the Covid-19 emergency since March 2020.
The report detailed specific workstreams which had supported the Council’s response to the pandemic, with a focus on the way in which decision making and governance had continued to operate, alongside the development of the Rotherham Community Hub and other specific work streams established to assist with the management of the emergency:-
· Managing the deceased
· Housing
· Rotherham Community Hub (Humanitarian/ Voluntary)
· Communications
· Staff & Workforce
· Data Collation & Reporting
· Corporate Incident & Business Continuity
· Health & Social Care Systems
· Rotherham Pandemic Group
The Leader and Cabinet Members provided further details on the specific activities and outcomes associated with their respective portfolios and paid tribute to the work of officers in supporting the community during the pandemic.
It was noted that work was beginning in respect of planning for recovery from the pandemic and further discussions would be held across the Council in respect of the way in which services that been stood down during the pandemic would be returned as previous or in a different way.
1. That the report be noted.
Supporting documents: