Agenda item

Rotherham's All Age Autism Strategy and Implementation Plan 2020 -2023

Report of the Strategic Director of Adult Care, Housing and Public Health




1.    That the content of the report be noted.


2.    That approval be given to the proposed Rotherham All Age Autism Strategy and Implementation Plan.


3.    That the intention to review the Plan in 2022 noted.



Consideration was given to a report which presented Rotherham’s All Age Autism Strategy and Implementation Plan 2020 -2023 for approval. It was reported that the strategy was grounded in the vision and passion expressed in the Council Plan and in the Rotherham’s Integrated Health and Social Care Place Plan, which was based on the values of ensuring collaboration and co-production. 


The strategy would support and progress the outcomes outlined in the Integrated Health and Social Care Place Plan and the Councils Housing Strategy, as well as using a ‘whole life approach’ which was referred to in the Rotherham Health and Wellbeing Strategy.  Furthermore, the strategy was based on a clear co-produced vision and identified key activity focused on 5 areas:


·         Starting Well:  All Rotherham’s autistic children and young people are healthy and safe from harm

·         Developing Well:  All Rotherham’s autistic children and young people start school ready to learn for life

·         Moving on well to independence: Rotherham’s autistic children and young people are provided with the same opportunities to thrive going into adulthood.

·         Living well:  Autistic adults living in Rotherham will get the right support when needed

·         Ageing well:  Autistic adults living in Rotherham will be better supported as they grow old


It was further reported that the new All Age Autism Strategy and Implementation Plan provided an overarching framework for the Council, NHS Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and partners. It identified priority areas based on the national requirements and local findings. It was proposed that both the Strategy and the accompanying Implementation Plan would be delivered over a period of three years from 2020 to 2023.  The Plan would work on the principle of a strength-based approach; this meant the Strategy should encourage people to recognise their strengths to support choice and control.  


Furthermore, the strategy would build on work being carried out in Rotherham and South Yorkshire by individuals, groups and communities, as well as the Council and partners to improve the lives of people with autism. 


The report had been subject to pre-decision scrutiny by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board on 10 June 2020, where Members had recommended that:


·         That Cabinet be advised that the recommendations be supported.

·         That a report on the implementation of the Rotherham All Age Autism Strategy and Implementation Plan 2020 -2023 be submitted to the Health Select Commission in due course.




1.    That the content of the report be noted.


2.    That approval be given to the proposed Rotherham All Age Autism Strategy and Implementation Plan.


3.    That the intention to review the Plan in 2022 be noted.


4.    That the recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board be accepted, with a report on the implementation of the Rotherham All Age Autism Strategy and Implementation Plan 2020 -2023 be submitted to the Health Select Commission at an appropriate point to be agreed by the Cabinet Member, Strategic Director and Commission.

Supporting documents: