Agenda item

Public Health Proposals for Recommissioning Sexual Health Services (Adults and under 18s)

Report of the Strategic Director of Adult Care, Housing and Public Health




1.    That the impact of the pandemic on NHS providers and also the local authority in its role as commissioner of the Sexual Health services for Rotherham residents as set out in the report be noted.


2.    That approval be given to the publication of the Sexual Health tender in April 2021.


3.    That the current contract with TRFT to allow be varied for a further 12-month term until 31 March 2022 to facilitate the tendering exercise.


4.    That the new service be recommissioned for a period of 5 years with annual extension options after that for up to a further 5 years, making the total potential contract length 10 years.


5.    That approval be given to the amendment to the service for the recommissioned contract to include the budget held by the Council for the payments to other providers across England when Rotherham residents’ access Genito Urinary Medicine (GUM) services. This is to be managed by the successful provider going forwards.



Consideration was given to a report requesting that the tender for sexual health services, which was due for publication in July 2020, be delayed in order to give service providers (some of which are in the NHS) time to recover from the COVID 19 crisis and furthermore to enable RMBC resources to be diverted to urgent requirements to deal with COVID 19 consequences. 


The report also requested that a variation to the current contract, delivered by The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust (TRFT) be extended for a 12month period until 31 March 2022.




1.    That the impact of the pandemic on NHS providers and also the local authority in its role as commissioner of the Sexual Health services for Rotherham residents, as set out in the report, be noted.


2.    That approval be given to the publication of the Sexual Health tender in April 2021.


3.    That the current contract with TRFT be varied for a further 12-month term until 31 March 2022 to facilitate the tendering exercise.


4.    That the new service be recommissioned for a period of 5 years with annual extension options after that for up to a further 5 years, making the total potential contract length 10 years.


5.    That approval be given to the amendment to the service for the recommissioned contract to include the budget held by the Council for the payments to other providers across England when Rotherham residents’ access Genito Urinary Medicine (GUM) services. This is to be managed by the successful provider going forwards.

Supporting documents: