Update by Jenny Lingrell,
Assistant Director, Commissioning, Performance and Inclusion.
Recommendation:- To receive an update on the SEND Joint Commissioning Strategy, the SEMH Strategy and SEND Sufficiency Strategy.
Jenny Lingrell, Assistant Director, Commissioning, Performance and Inclusion, gave a presentation, using Powerpoint, on the Rotherham Social, Emotional and Mental Health Strategy which drew attention to progress made against the six priorities identified in the SEMH Strategy.
The priorities were:-
· Sufficiency: develop local education provision that responds to need – this would include flexible and specialist provision. The update on this priority was provided as part of the previous agenda item.
· Seamless Pathways: ensure that pathways to support were connected and aligned and develop a clear behaviour pathway that included responses to attachment and trauma. The focus in this academic year had been to establish the Mental Health Trailblazers in pilot schools. The Mental Health Support Teams were now fully established. Next steps would be to embed these and identify how the learning from the Mental Health Trailblazer can inform the wider system.
· Evidence-Based Approaches: ensure that the local authority offer (from Early Help and Inclusion services) is underpinned by evidence-based approaches and aligned with clear pathways. Mapping was underway for presentation to working groups as part of the Isos review (commencing July).
· Workforce: develop a robust training and support, enabling practitioners to feel confident in responding to the needs of children and young people with SEMH needs. Sara Graham, Maltby Academy Trust, was leading this piece of work and designing a framework and delivery model to support the workforce (work will continue into autumn term).
· Partnerships: develop and sustain robust inclusion partnerships that enabled schools to meet need through a collective approach to responding to the needs of individual children.
The ISOS Partnership have been engaged to lead a review of Alternative Provision and Partnerships in Rotherham. The work focused on the continuum of inclusion support and AP (with a clear understanding of the roles and pathways), the decision-making processes and responsibility for pupils requiring inclusion support and AP; and the funding system, ensuring this supported strategic priorities and the day-to-day operation of inclusion support and AP.
The work had been split into three stages. Phase 1 was building a picture of the context around inclusion support and AP in Rotherham, including data analysis, engagements with LA, AP and school leaders. Phase 2 was shaping options for the future system. ISOS would establish and facilitate the work of two Working Groups (primary and secondary) and engage with other key partners (e.g. PRUs). Phase 3 would be pulling it all together, collating findings, developing a summary report and presenting key findings to colleagues and partners.
The Forum were advised the ISOS Partnership delivering the project were responsible for arranging the virtual groups and the consultation. Contact details of relevant schools had been provided, but anyone who had not been contacted and wished to be involved were welcome to contact Jenny Lingrell direct and the details would be forwarded on.
The neutrality and credibility of the partnership along with how progress could be sustained and embedded in the future were welcomed.
Forum Members found the presentation very informative and welcomed the approach being taken forward. An update on progress would be provided in due course.
Agreed:- (1) That Jenny Lingrell be thanked for her informative presentation.
(2) That the presentation slides be circulated to Forum Members after the meeting for information.