Agenda item

Strategic Acquisition of 12 New Homes at Highfield Farm, West Melton

Report of the Strategic Director of Adult Care, Housing and Public Health




1.    That authority to purchase six discounted Section 106 planning gain homes at Highfield Farm West Melton, using Housing Revenue Account resources, be delegated to the Assistant Director for Planning, Regeneration and Transport, in conjunction with the Assistant Director for Housing.


2.    That authority to purchase six additional homes on the same development at open market value, be delegated to the Assistant Director for Planning, Regeneration and Transport, in conjunction with the Assistant Director for Housing.


3.    That authority to agree additional acquisitions from this scheme should the opportunity arise, be delegated to the Assistant Director for Planning, Regeneration and Transport, in conjunction with the Assistant Director for Housing.


4.    That authority to negotiate and complete the legal documentation to give effect to the Cabinet’s decision be delegated to the Head of Legal Services.





Consideration was given to a report which sought approval to purchase 12 new homes at Highfield Farm, West Melton from Persimmon Homes as part of the Council’s Housing Development Programme.


It was reported that six of the new homes were Section 106 planning gain homes which would be acquired at approximately 67% of the open market value, and the remaining six homes were opportunity acquisitions which would be purchased at market value. The new homes would be brought into the Council’s social housing stock to address waiting list demand and replace homes lost through Right to Buy. It was projected that the new homes will be ready for hand-over to the Council in November 2020.




1.    That authority to purchase six discounted Section 106 planning gain homes at Highfield Farm West Melton, using Housing Revenue Account resources, be delegated to the Assistant Director for Planning, Regeneration and Transport, in conjunction with the Assistant Director for Housing.


2.    That authority to purchase six additional homes on the same development at open market value, be delegated to the Assistant Director for Planning, Regeneration and Transport, in conjunction with the Assistant Director for Housing.


3.    That authority to agree additional acquisitions from this scheme should the opportunity arise, be delegated to the Assistant Director for Planning, Regeneration and Transport, in conjunction with the Assistant Director for Housing.


4.    That authority to negotiate and complete the legal documentation to give effect to the Cabinet’s decision be delegated to the Head of Legal Services.

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