Report of the Assistant Chief Executive
1. That the report and the recommendations from the review be received.
2. That, in view of the requirement for a multi-agency response to the recommendations, the Interim Strategic Director of Children and Young People’s Services co-ordinate the preparation of a response to the recommendations within two months, in accordance with the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules.
Consideration was given to a report which outlined the findings and recommendations following a spotlight review undertaken by Rotherham Youth Cabinet regarding hate crime, a key priority in their manifesto for 2020.
The report was submitted to invite Cabinet to respond formally to the recommendations and indicate agreement or otherwise and what action will be taken to implement the recommendations, together with details of timescales and accountabilities.
The report and contributions of the Rotherham Youth Cabinet were welcomed and it was noted that the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board had endorsed the work and recommendations of the young people.
1. That the report and the recommendations from the review be received.
2. That, in view of the requirement for a multi-agency response to the recommendations, the Interim Strategic Director of Children and Young People’s Services co-ordinate the preparation of a response to the recommendations within two months, in accordance with the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules.
Supporting documents: