To receive questions from members of the public who wish to ask a general question in respect of matters within the Council’s area of responsibility or influence.
Subject to the Chair’s discretion, members of the public may ask one question and one supplementary question, which should relate to the original question and answered received.
Councillors may also ask questions under this agenda item.
(1) A question was received from Mr. Cawkwell who asked:-
On the 14th September, 2020 the joint Assistant Director of Commissioning, Performance and Quality confirmed in an e-mail to the Chair of the Improving Lives Select Commission that there were errors in a report presented to the meeting of the 3rd March, 2020. He asked what those errors were.
The Leader, without knowing the full details, was unable to speculate and would so investigate and report back to the member of the public in writing.
In a supplementary question, Mr. Cawkwell asked if important errors had been made what actions would the Leader take to deal with that particular issue.
The Leader confirmed it would depend very much on the nature of the mistake. If it were simply administrative error this would be corrected at the meeting. However, if it was believed Members were being misled then the Council’s complaints procedure could be followed through and investigated. However, as already indicated this would be looked into and a response provided in writing.
(2) A question was received from Mr. Harron who asked:-
How was the Council going to ensure that the voices of the most vulnerable would be heard in the year specifically on the run up to the Council elections next May.
The Leader referred to the Year Ahead (on the agenda) and referenced the particular strand assisting with residents’ mental and physical health and addressing health inequalities. This was a big challenge and had been for some people over the last six months and was likely to continue.
The Council would continue to use the methods of engaging people to make sure their voices were heard with a process of formal consultation. People would be listened to, but there would be particular challenges for some sections of the community, which services were acutely aware.
In a supplementary question Mr. Harron asked if the Leader was aware of the number of obstacles put in the way of an adult survivor just to get a petition on to the agenda of the next Council meeting next week. Despite it being said in writing that the petition was uploaded onto the e-petition site it was not there and asked if the Leader would ensure it was uploaded as a matter of urgency.
The Leader was not aware of the specific issue, but would investigate and speak to Democratic Services.
Mr. Harron followed by confirming this was about scrutiny and checking the process was followed correctly. He was in receipt of an email confirming the petition was uploaded and ready for people to sign. He stressed the importance of the democratic process with questions and petitions so would be grateful if the Leader could look into this further.
(3) A further written question was received from Mr. Rodgers who asked in relation to Section 2.65 of item 7 (Update on the Council Response to the COVID -19 Emergency), please could you advise residents of when the refunds will be processed for the PAID FOR Garden Waste Collections that were not provided in April and May?
A reply in writing would be provided to Mr. Rodgers.