Agenda item

Advice Review and Advice Services SLA


Report of the Chief Executive




1.           That approval be given to progress arrangements for advice services in Rotherham, including:-


a)           Co-design with voluntary sector organisations for services to be delivered by voluntary sector advice providers for three years commencing from April 2021.

b)           Invitation to bid and appointment of an advices services VCS organisation to lead on the co-design process.

c)           That the scope of services to be delivered by the voluntary sector focus on provision in levels two and three of the advice model through core service level agreements to a total value of £240k per annum, with the provision for additional project based arrangements covering specific advice service demands and developments over the medium term.

d)           That the SLA be a “partnership” SLA with each partner a signatory to the SLA and direct receipt of grant.


2.           That improvements to referral processes from other services to create person-centred client pathways be built into the new service specification, in line with the Single Advice Model agreed by Cabinet in October 2017.


3.           That progress made since the implementation of the Advice Review phase 2 be received.


Consideration was given to the report which detailed how the provision of advice across a range of topics, and especially in relation to benefits and debt, both through Council services and the voluntary sector, continued to provide essential support to thousands of vulnerable people in Rotherham each year.


Demand for advice services remained high, and was expected to continue to rise, particularly as the economic impact of the COVID-19 emergency and end of furlough created more financial difficulties for people.


Experience from the advice review showed that further improvements could be made, particularly around referrals and this built on the developments to date in implementing the “single advice model” adopted by Cabinet at its meeting in October 2017.


Lessons learnt from operating the Community Hub throughout the COVID-19 emergency were also assisting in improving referral pathways.


An update was provided on the provision of advice services across Council inhouse and Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) providers and a process was set out for a new three year Service Level Agreement (SLA) through co-design with VCS advice providers for the period 2021/22, 2022/23 and 2023/24. It was, therefore, proposed that this be done through inviting a lead VCS organisation to work with the Council.


This report had been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board as part of the pre-scrutiny process who were in support of the recommendations.




(1)   That arrangements be approved and progressed for advice services in Rotherham, including:-


a)     Co-design with voluntary sector organisations for services to be delivered by voluntary sector advice providers for three years commencing from April 2021.


b)     Invitation to bid and appointment of an advice services VCS organisation to lead on the co-design process.


c)     That the scope of services to be delivered by the voluntary sector focus on provision in levels two and three of the advice model through core Service Level Agreements to a total value of £240k per annum, with the provision for additional project based arrangements covering specific advice service demands and developments over the medium term.


d)     That the SLA be a “partnership” SLA with each partner a signatory to the SLA and direct receipt of grant.


(2)  That improvements to referral processes from other services to create person centred client pathways be built into the new service specification, in line with the Single Advice Model agreed by Cabinet in October 2017.


(3)  That progress made since the implementation of the Advice Review phase  2 be received.

Supporting documents: