Agenda item

Transport and Highways Capital Programme 2020-21


Report of the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment




1.           That the Decision of the Strategic Director Regeneration and Environment to approve the Transport and Highways Capital Programmes for 2020/21 be noted.


2.           To approve the addition to the 2020/21 programme of the Greasbrough Local Growth Fund junction improvement scheme following Mayoral Combined Authority approval on 27th July 2020.


3.           To approve the addition of the Transforming Cities Fund (TCF) programme of active travel measures to the capital programme for 2021-23.


Consideration was given to the report which outlined the Transport and Highways Capital Programme for 2020/21 identifying the specific schemes to be delivered during 2020/21 and those schemes to be developed and assessed for potential future delivery.


The programmes contained in Appendix B related to the maintenance and improvement of critical transport and highway infrastructure and were, therefore, key to supporting the Council’s priorities for a strong community in a clean, safe environment by providing safe, accessible transport networks and public places. They supported the priority of extending opportunity, prosperity and planning for the future by supporting growth and access for businesses and housing.


The programme also covered Active Travel which would contribute to the Council’s wider public health agenda by improving active travel options.


A condition of the SCRMCA’s approval for the Greasbrough LGF Scheme was acknowledgement of the award of this funding and the entering into of a funding agreement.  Such conditions included a requirement for funded authorities to accept any unforeseen project costs, should they arise above the level of funding granted.  Should the need arise this would be accommodated within the management of the capital programme.


This also fed into the Council’s 2020 Roads Programme and would come to an end at the end of March.  The focus had been on the unclassified road network with money being invested locally.  There was still more to do and the new 2024 Roads Programme would invest £24 million on roads identified as in need and  included in the report now submitted.  Members had had the opportunity to feed in their areas of concern and suggestions had been welcomed.


In addition, the last of the LED street lighting had been completed saving over £1 million in energy costs for the Council and the pedestrian crossing investment was seeing key crossings being completed like the ones on Bawtry Road, Brinsworth, Fenton Road and the A57.




(1)  That the decision of the Strategic Director Regeneration and Environment to approve the Transport and Highways Capital Programmes for 2020/21 be noted.


(2)  That the addition to the 2020/21 programme of the Greasbrough Local Growth Fund junction improvement scheme following Mayoral Combined Authority approval on 27th July 2020 be approved.


(3)   That the addition of the Transforming Cities Fund (TCF) programme of active travel measures to the capital programme for 2021-23 be approved.

Supporting documents: