Agenda item

Response to recommendations from Children’s Commissioner Takeover Challenge – Hate Crime


Report of the Strategic Director of Children and Young People’s Services




1.           That progress updates on the recommendations from the review be received and noted.


Consideration was given to the report which detailed how Rotherham Youth Cabinet included Hate Crime as one of the four key aims in their 2020 manifesto after it emerged in the top three issues following the annual “Make Your Mark” consultation with young people.


Subsequently a spotlight scrutiny review was undertaken by a group of young people from Rotherham Youth Cabinet on 12th March, 2020 when they took over an Overview and Scrutiny Management Board meeting. 


As part of their evidence gathering Rotherham Youth Cabinet participated in a short interactive session with the Community Safety Team and a planning meeting followed to develop the young people’s key lines of enquiry and broad questions and to determine who they wished to invite as witnesses. 


The Early Help and Family Engagement Team facilitated this work with support from Councillor Steele, Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board, and the Governance Unit.


An update was, therefore, presented on the response to each of the recommendations arising from this review, which would also be referred back to the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board for information.


Cabinet Members welcomed the update and thanked the Youth Cabinet for presenting their concerns to the Safer Rotherham Partnership. This was a good opportunity for the partners to hear about the work being undertaken.




That progress updates on the recommendations from the review be received and noted.

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