Report of the Chief Executive
1. Note the COVID-19 management and control arrangements that are in place.
2. Note the COVID-19 workstreams and the action being taken.
3. Provide feedback in relation to the workstreams and current actions.
Consideration was given to the report which provided an update on how the Council was currently responding to the COVID-19 global pandemic.
An overview was also provided how the Council was responding to the crisis, what this meant for critical services and the critical issues being addressed.
The Cabinet Member wished to formally place on record his thanks and appreciation to staff for their hard work throughout this Pandemic.
Governance arrangements have been reviewed and streamlined to reflect current priorities as the Council moved into recovery. This included merging the Workforce, PPE and Accessible Areas workstreams into a single workstream (Corporate Incident, Continuity Management, PPE, Workforce and Recovery Cell.)
Gilly Brenner, Public Health Consultant, gave a short presentation via Powerpoint on the COVID-19 Surveillance Board and how the current situation was being monitored:-
The presentation drew attention to:-
· England Comparisons – Maps.
· Cases over the Pandemic.
· Weekly Cases by Local Area.
· Summary Epidemiology.
· Local Outbreak Control Plan.
· Consistent Key Messages.
Cabinet Members welcomed the update, but sought assurance as how the situation was being monitored when surrounding areas were subject to restrictions with cases starting to rise and whether there was anything in particular that should be done to avoid those sort of local lockdown situations.
Whilst it was noted Rotherham was not on the “Watch List” this week the numbers were still of concern. Messages about testing had been successful with the communications campaign and public engagement. It was important to keep up those consistent messages especially when some of the cases identified were actually transmitted outside of the Borough.
Further information was sought on the details from Central Government about funding for those on low incomes suffering financial hardship when having to self-isolate and thus unable to work as well as the fines for those breaching the restrictions. This was of significant concern and the importance of staying home would continue to be promoted. All age groups continued to be affected by this virus so the public could not afford to be complacent and must, regardless of age or location, work together to keep the infection rates down.
The Chief Executive also confirmed the Council continued to operate within its major incident plan and had continued to participate in the South Yorkshire Resilience Forum co-ordinating actions and aid across the sub-region.
The number of Business Support Grants the Council had issued was very positive and the delivery high with 3,928 Business Support Grants paid and a further 276 grants being delivered. Rate relief had also been issued to 1,150 business across the Borough along with 3,834 requests for support since its launch. The Council also had 305 volunteers who were cleared to provide support and the Food Crisis Support Service continued to deliver over 2,397 food parcels, a service which still remained available.
Adult Social Care was continuing to work with G.P.’s to support care home providers and on Friday last week a new National Scheme was launched which would see the extension of the Infection Control Grant which actually supported local providers over the Winter period. This would ensure everything was being done to support the most vulnerable elderly population and reduce the transmission.
Children’s Social Care continued to make contact with all vulnerable children and had been heavily engaged with working with local schools and Public Health England. 990 laptops had also been delivered as part of the Vulnerable Children's Technology Scheme by the DFE.
Libraries were also starting to re-open in a managed way with a reduced offer and COVID-19 secure arrangements in place.
The situation, however, still remained volatile and would continue to be monitored on a daily basis within the national Government's guidance. Special thanks were offered to all who had worked so hard over the course of the last six months and which would continue with the challenges ahead during Winter.
(1) That the COVID-19 management and control arrangements that are in place be noted.
(2) That the COVID-19 workstreams and the action being taken be noted.
(3) That feedback be provided in relation to the workstreams and current actions.
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