Agenda item

Library Strategy


Report of the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment




1.           Endorse the final version of the Library Strategy 2021 – 2026 and associated service offer and recommend it to Council for adoption.

2.           Note the consultation and engagement undertaken and the findings of the Equalities Impact Analysis.

3.           Approve the Action Plan for Rotherham Libraries and Neighbourhood Hubs.

4.           Note the progress made on the development of a new Library for Rotherham town centre.

5.           Approve the transfer of Brinsworth Library to Brinsworth Community Trust, supported by Brinsworth Parish Council and Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council.

6.           Approve the relocation of Thurcroft Library from Thurcroft Junior Academy to the Gordon Bennett Memorial Hall site utilising the approved libraries capital allocated.

7.           Approve the implementation of self- service technology in order for customers to access library sites independently.



Consideration was given to the report which set out in detail the vision and framework contained in the Library Strategy 2021–2026 and how the Strategy and new service offer would enable the Council to fulfil its statutory duty under the Public Library Act and meet the needs of the community through the delivery of the Libraries and Neighbourhood Hubs Service. 


The Strategy and service offer had been finalised following feedback from the last phase of consultation, along with the Equalities Impact Analysis.  All future delivery changes would be, therefore, underpinned by the Strategy.


Particular attention was drawn to the exciting proposals  to relocate the Thurcroft Library to Gordon Bennett, the increased community partnership work with the new Brinsworth Library collaboration with the Parish Council working on some new models of management and access and the need for libraries to diversify.


The Equalities Impact Assessment at Appendix 3 provided some in-depth detail which would be embedded into service planning and delivery and key facts about the service and usage and some of these were highlighted.


Cabinet Members expressed their support for the Strategy and the significant investment that this also brought locally.  An assurance was made that, despite the pandemic, staff were active and currently providing a click, call and collect service, staggered staged opening of libraries and  a number of initiatives online.


In addition, calls had been made to several hundred vulnerable library members knowing how isolation was particularly damaging to people’s health and the importance to be connected. 


The Strategy itself was built on the Equalities Impact Analysis and research to address barriers to people engaging.  The investment had allowed eleven libraries to re-open and a number were undergoing refurbishment. 


The needs of young readers, disabled and BME were highlighted with examples of activities online, along with the use of social media platforms to showcase, recognise and celebrate authors and activity programmes for different groups and communities.


Training was ongoing with existing staff so they could better understand and address the needs of certain people and community groups.  Staff were excited and welcomed the opportunity.


Attention needed also to be given on how best to use photography imagery for the libraries and how this could be presented.


This report had been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board as part of the pre-scrutiny process who were in support of the recommendations.




(1)  That the final version of the Library Strategy 2021-2026 and associated service offer be endorsed and be recommended to Council for adoption.


(2)  That the consultation and engagement undertaken and the findings of the Equalities Impact Analysis be noted.


(3)  That the Action Plan for Rotherham Libraries and Neighbourhood Hubs be approved.


(4)  That the progress made on the development of a new Library for Rotherham Town Centre be noted.


(5)  That the transfer of Brinsworth Library to Brinsworth Community Trust, supported by Brinsworth Parish Council and Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council be approved.


(6)  That the relocation of Thurcroft Library from Thurcroft Junior Academy to the Gordon Bennett Memorial Hall site utilising the approved libraries capital allocated be approved.


(7)  That the implementation of self-service technology in order for customers to access library sites independently be approved.

Supporting documents: