Agenda item

Domestic Abuse Services


Report of the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment Services




  1. That the two Domestic Abuse support services are combined into a single contract and subject to a competitive procurement process to establish a new delivery model, for an initial contract period of three years with an option to extend by a further two years (total five years).


  1. That the refuge service will be commissioned in the immediacy, for a two year period, with an option to extend by a further 1 year period (total 3 years) as a single contract  maintaining current provision as a minimum and with an outcome focussed specification, which is focussed on meeting the needs of victims and survivors of Domestic Abuse and ensures a female-only refuge space.


  1. That an outcome-based specification is co-produced for Domestic Abuse Support services in line with the key issues detailed in section 2, ensuring appropriate engagement with the Cabinet Member and the Council’s Improving Lives Select Commission.


  1. That authority is delegated to the Strategic Director of Adult Care, Housing and Public Health and Strategic Director for Regeneration and Environment to enter in to the contract with the successful organisation following the procurement process.


  1. That the Independent Domestic Violence Advocates staff employed by the Council are proposed to be retained in the employment of the Council and the service will be integrated with Commissioned Services, providing seamless support for victims.


  1. That Cabinet support the objective to recommission the services by March 2022 and further support the seeking of an extension of the support service contracts to continue the current service delivery up to September 2022 at the latest to enable effective mobilisation.



Consideration was given to the report which sought approval to enter into a market engagement process, followed by a competitive procurement process, for domestic abuse support services. Domestic Abuse remained a key priority for the Council and its partners through the Safer Rotherham Partnership (SRP.) The current service contract would end on 30th September, 2021.


The new system would establish a new delivery model for victims of Domestic Abuse and would offer a seamless service for victims, increased focus on prevention and early intervention alongside improving access to information and support. It would be supported by additional funding for Domestic Abuse support of £150k per year, bringing the total commissioning value to £660k per annum. The new system would combine 2 existing support service contracts and allow the Council to be more flexible to meet the needs of all communities, including ethnic minorities, refugees, same sex relationships and transgender.


The refuge provision was to be recommissioned immediately which would maintain current provision as a minimum. The Cabinet Member explained that the refuge had been retained despite budget cuts.


There was currently a Bill in Parliament that sought to address Domestic Abuse issues, and this would be monitored and implemented if passed into law.


The report had been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board as part of the pre-decision scrutiny process. The Board was fully supportive of the recommendations and requested that the Council be able to review outcomes and the methods of delivery of the contract throughout its lifetime to ensure it remained fit for purpose. The Board also requested that the results of the pre-market engagement exercise, due to be completed by the end of May 2021, be circulated to Members of the Improving Lives Select Commission. The Commission also wanted the opportunity to feed into the development of the outcome-based service specification for Domestic Abuse support services.




1.    That the 2 Domestic Abuse Support Services be combined into a single contract and subject to a competitive procurement process to establish a new delivery model, for an initial contract period of 3 years with an option to extend by a further 2 years (total 5 years).


2.    That the  Refuge Service will be commissioned in the immediacy, for a 2 year period, with an option to extend by a further 1 year period (total 3 years) as a single contract  maintaining current provision as a minimum and with an outcome focussed specification, which is focussed on meeting the needs of victims and survivors of Domestic Abuse and ensures a female-only refuge space.


3.    That an outcome-based specification is co-produced for Domestic Abuse Support services in line with the key issues detailed in section 2, ensuring appropriate engagement with the Cabinet Member and the Council’s Improving Lives Select Commission.


4.    That authority is delegated to the Strategic Director of Adult Care, Housing and Public Health and Strategic Director for Regeneration and Environment to enter into the contract with the successful organisation following the procurement process. 


5.    That the Independent Domestic Violence Advocates staff employed by the Council are proposed to be retained in the employment of the Council and the Service will be integrated with Commissioned Services, providing seamless support for victims. 


6.    That Cabinet support the objective to recommission the Services by March 2022 and further support the seeking of an extension of the Support Service contracts to continue the current service delivery up to September 2022 at the latest to enable effective mobilisation.


7.    That the contracts made with providers for Domestic Abuse Support Services should enable the Council to review outcomes and the methods of delivery at key intervals throughout the lifetime of the contracts in order to ensure that the Services provided remained fit for purpose.


8.    That the results of the pre-market engagement exercise, due to be completed by end May 2021, be circulated to Members of the Improving Lives Select Commission.


9.    That the Members of the Improving Lives Select Commission have the opportunity to feed into the development of the outcome-based service specification for Domestic Abuse Support Services.

Supporting documents: