Agenda item

Year Ahead Plan - Quarterly Progress Report


Report of the Chief Executive




1.       To note the progress made with the Year Ahead activities


Consideration was given to the report which gave an update on progress in delivering the key activities in the Year Ahead Plan (the Plan.) Appendix 1 to the report was a milestone tracker whilst Appendix 2 detailed the initial equality screening assessment for the Plan. The Plan had been approved by Cabinet on 21st September, 2020, and set out the Council’s priorities and actions to support residents, communities and business up to May 2021. It was anticipated that a new Corporate Council Plan would be developed following the May 2021 local elections.


The Plan was framed around five themes: Thriving Neighbourhoods; Better Health and Wellbeing; Economic Recovery; New Ways of Working and Hope and Confidence in Rotherham. There were also two cross-cutting strands that were integral to each scheme, namely: Equalities and Social Justice, and Climate Impact. As of 25th November ,2020, 18% (14) of the activities outlined in the Plan had been completed; 70% (54) were on track; 4% (3) had been delayed; 0% (0) were off-track and 8% (6) were not yet scheduled to start. The Leader confirmed that two out of the three actions that had been delayed were down to Central Government delays. The third was works at Herringthorpe Stadium which had been delayed due to the practicalities of the Pandemic.


Information was provided in the report on the activities relating to each of the five themes. The impact of these activities would continue to be measured through the Resident Satisfaction Survey as well as other key indicators such as the total funding dispersed to businesses affected by COVID restrictions and the increased social value from Council spend. Consultation with the public was a key priority and was ongoing.


The Head of Performance, Intelligence and Improvement confirmed that further reports would be brought to the Cabinet in order the keep them updated on the progress of the Plan.


The report had been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board as part of the pre-decision scrutiny process. The Board were supportive of the recommendation and requested that a report on performance against Year Ahead activities be submitted to the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board on a quarterly basis and that the report provide a detailed narrative on performance exceptions, both positive and negative, including direction of travel and on the action being taken to improve performance as required.




(1)  That the progress made with the Year Ahead activities is noted;

(2)  That a report on performance against Year Ahead activities be submitted to the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board on a quarterly basis; and


(3)  That the report provide a detailed narrative on performance exceptions, both positive and negative, including direction of travel and on the action being taken to improve performance as required.

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