Anne Marie Lubanski, Strategic Director, Adult Social Care, Housing and Public Health and Becky Woolley, Policy Officer, to present
In accordance with Minute No. 114 of the meeting held on 21st October, 2020, Becky Woolley, Policy Officer, presented the refreshed Health and Wellbeing Board priorities and action plan November 2020-June 2021 with the aid of the following powerpoint presentation:-
- In June 2020 it was agreed that the Health and Wellbeing Board would refresh priorities taking into consideration the impact of Covid-19 and evidence regarding health inequalities
- A development session was held in September 2020 which was facilitated by the LGA. Prior to this session, there was also a period of consultation with Board members and consideration at the Health Select Commission regarding the priority refresh
Outcome of the Development Session – September 2020
- The four aims within the original strategy remained relevant and should still be the overarching outcomes that the Board was working towards
- Covid-19 had led to new cohorts of people being vulnerable. There was a need to continue to develop our understanding of the impact that the pandemic was having on these groups as well as the rest of the population
- Action needed to be focussed around health inequalities and the wider determinants of health
- There should be a targeted focus on a small number of priority areas
- The Marmot principles should underpin the refresh of priorities
The Marmot Review 10 Years On Report was published in February 2020. The key findings were:-
- People can expect to spend more of their lives in poor health
- Improvements to life expectancy have stalled and declined for the poorest 10% of women
- Only the 20-30% least deprived will receive a state pension before they develop a lifelong disability
- The health gap has grown between wealthy and deprived areas
- There are marked regional differences and widening health inequalities between the North and the South
- The slowdown in life expectancy increase cannot for the most part be attributed to severe winters. More than 80% of the slowdown, between 2011 and 2019, results from influences other than winter associated mortality
- 2/3s of those with lifelong disabilities in the most deprived areas have disabilities before they reach pension age
- For males, years in poor health has increased from 15.8 to 16.2 since 2009, for females from 18.7 to 19.4
- It is likely that public sector cuts have harmed health and contributed to widening health inequalities in the short term and are likely to continue to do so over the longer term. Cuts over the period shown have been regressive and inequitable – they have been greatest in areas where need is highest and conditions are generally worse
Covid-19 and the Social Determinants – Impact of lockdown on health behaviours e.g. mental health
- School closures, loss of education, issues with exam results, changes of university provision/availability
- Reduction in commuting, less air pollution
- Disruptions to health care provision, delays to care, avoidance of care
- Disruption to/loss of culture and leisure activities. Increased use of outdoor space
- Unequal Covid impact
- Care home impacts
- Disruption to community/social interaction
- Public transport impact. Cycling opportunities
- Job losses, furlough, zero hours contacts, changes to work availability
- Changes to homeless, asylum seeker provision. Risk of rent/mortgage problems due to loss of earnings
Refreshed Priorities
Aim 1: All children get the best start in life and go on to achieve their full potential
- Develop our strategy for a positive first 1001 days
- Support positive mental health for all children and young people
- Support children and young people to achieve their full potential
Aim 2: All Rotherham people enjoy the best possible mental health and wellbeing and have a good quality of life
- Deliver the Better Mental Health for All Strategy
- Deliver the Rotherham Suicide Prevention and Self-Harm Action Plan
- Promote positive workplace wellbeing for staff across the partnership
Aim 3: All Rotherham people live well for longer
- Build a social movement to support local people to be more physically active
- Ensure support is in place for careers
- Develop a whole-systems approach to tackling obesity in Rotherham with consideration of the impact of Covid-19
Aim 4: All Rotherham people live in healthy, safe and resilient communities
- Delivery of a loneliness plan for Rotherham
- Promote health and wellbeing through arts and cultural initiatives
- Ensure Rotherham people are kept safe from harm
Cross-cutting Priorities
- Links to the Local Outbreak Engagement Board
- Building the understanding of the impact of Covid-19 on our communities and on health inequalities including
· Bringing together different pieces of work on health inequalities from across the partnership
· Engaging with the public on the impact of Covic-19 and health inequalities
- Delivery of Phase 2 of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
It should be noted that priorities had been agreed based on an understanding that the response to the pandemic was ongoing, therefore, the Board’s approach as a partnership would need to remain as flexible and responsive to emerging needs.
Each Board member was asked for their comments on the refresh which are summarised as follows:-
- Culture and Leisure Services welcomed the refreshed document. There was to be a joint workshop in January with the Cultural Partnership Board. There were real opportunities particularly around the 3 other actions within the plan around physical activity, delivery of the Rotherham Together Programme, which had received a fantastic response already, and the targeted work with communities through the Library Service. The Arts Council England had announced a new fund to support Social Prescribing which built upon the fantastic work that Rotherham had been doing in this area already. Culture and physical activity could help with lot of work around the important work around Mental Health and loneliness
- Really like the idea of having a theme per Board meeting and involving those looking at services for. A good opportunity to consider a subject in a different way
- Rotherham CCG were longstanding supporters of Social Prescribing and would provide assistance to support and enhance/expand
- The Kings Fund recently produced a new report on the impact of Social Prescribing
- Voluntary Action Rotherham was developing a Rotherham Arts Council bid for Social Prescribing and was happy to talk to partners about what that might look like
- Theme 4 – the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environmentwas content with the actions contained therein
- The plan demonstrated that Public Health was part of everyone’s daily life and is a real testament as to how everyone is working together and trying to get the issues sorted for the Rotherham population
- RDaSH felt it was really positive how the Board had moved from 4 priorities to 3 and focussing efforts on the true priorities for the Board
- South Yorkshire Police felt that the priorities were more than appropriate going forward for the next 12 months
- CYPS was supportive of what was included within Aim 1
- TRFT was supportive of the document
(1) That the refreshed Health and Wellbeing Board priorities and action plan November 2020-June 2021 be approved in principle.
(2) That Becky Woolley be notified as soon as possible of anyone who wished to be part of/Chair the Healthy Weight Group.
ACTION: All Board Members/Becky Woolley
Supporting documents: