Agenda item

DSG Management Template


Neil Hardwick, Schools Finance, and Jenny Lingrell, Assistant Director, to report.


Recommendation:-  To receive and note the detail for the DSG Management Template.


Neil Hardwick, Head of Finance for Children and Young People’s Service, provided an update on the DEDICSG Management Template that the Council had in place to track its DSG deficit, showing how it would bring the annual in year deficit into balance within the three year time frame.


By way of sharing his screen virtually the Forum were walked through the DSG Management Template, showing graphical data and how this fed into the DSG financial summary.


The Template set out in detail the current and  future funding assumptions, projected expenditure based on estimated future demands and implementation of strategies, proposed block  re-directions and the associated impact on the DSG deficit in the current year and for future years and the relationship for the High Needs Block and other associated services such as Home to School Transport.


This would all be subject to forensic assessment via Section 251.


It was, therefore, suggested that the template be presented to the School Forum  sub-group for the data to be considered in more detail.  It was anticipated that this would take place in December where more background and historical information could be provided.  An invitation to this sub-group would also be extended to Angela Acomb, Maintain School Primary Governor.


In absorbing the information shared the Forum sought clarification on whether the deficit and pressures were historical prior to 2017/18, whether this was a national issue and not just relative to Rotherham and the deficit projections into future years.


Jenny Lingrell, Assistant Director, Commissioning, Performance and Inclusion, shared a powerpoint presentation supporting the DSG Management Template which highlighted:-


·              Needs Analysis

©   Increase in requests for EHCP.

©   Autism – primary numbers.

©   42% SEMH.

©   Preparation for Post 16 Plans.

©   LAC and SEND Sufficiency interdependencies.


·              Placements

©   Mainstream SEN Toolkit.

©   Workforce Development Strategy.

©   Alignment of Inclusion Services.

©   ISOS Recommendations.

©   Resourced Provision/SEN Units – Wales, Brinsworth and Wath Victoria.

©   Special School Places – Milton, Kelford and Hilltop.


·              Placements

©   Individual Provision.

©   Hospital School.

©   Post 16 and Future Education.

©   Health and Social Care/Direct Residential Development Programme.


·              Link of all strategies back into the detail/forward plan of work on the budget.


The Forum welcomed the supportive update and found it helpful.  It was pleasing to see the grip on the in year spend, the detail of which would be discussed further at the Sub-Group.  However, it was highlighted that 1.5% (£3 million) continued to be redirected and would remain at this level with Secretary of State agreement.


Whilst it was noted that the redirections/assumptions/pressures were projected into the future, there were risks to the viability as it was not known what the funding would be from 2024 onwards.  There was a SEN Review being undertaken at Government level due to the mismatch in demand and funding. It was expected that the landscape would eventually shift.


The ISOS Recommendations/Action Plan would have some strong proposals that would support progress on reducing the deficit even further.  As previously suggested, a representative from the ISOS Working Group should be invited to give a presentation to the Forum at is next meeting in the new year.  Details of the representative to be forward to the Clerk who would confirm dates and extend the invitation.


Agreed:-  (1)  That the DSG Management Template update be received and the detail noted.


(2)  That a Sub-Group be arranged during December to look at the detail of the DSG Management Template and undertake a further review of the data.


(3)  That Angela Acomb, Maintain School Primary Governor, be invited to join the membership of the Sub-Group.


(4)  That arrangements be made for a representative from the ISOS Working Group to attend the next meeting of the Schools Forum and give a presentation on their findings and recommendations.


ACTION:-  Vera Njegic/Clerk