Agenda item

Quarterly Housing Development Update


Report of the Strategic Director of Adult Social Care, Housing and Public Health




1.    That progress made with the 2020/21 housing development programme be noted.

2.    That authority be delegated to the Assistant Director of Housing, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing and the Section 151 Officer, to enter into a Brownfield Housing Fund agreement with the Sheffield City Region where this will serve to increase the number of new homes delivered in Rotherham.

3.    That the appropriation of Netherfield Court and York Road car park (both in Eastwood) from the General Fund to the HRA, be approved.

4.    That a change to six monthly rather than quarterly update reports, be approved.




Consideration was given to the report which provided an update on the progress of the Housing Development Programme which had been agreed by Cabinet in September 2020. The Programme listed a range of Housing Revenue Account (HRA) sites to be developed for housing and potential strategic acquisitions. Since the September report, further external funding opportunities had arisen which would enable bids to be submitted and agreements to be entered into with the Sheffield City Region, to draw down grant resources.


The report set out the progress on each of the recommendations approved by Cabinet in September 2020 along with new issues and next steps. Paragraph 1.8 of the report detailed other highlights since the September report which included:


·        Completion of the Site Clusters Programme (217 homes in Canklow, Maltby, Dinnington and East Herringthorpe)

·        Completion of The Bellows in Rawmarsh (58 homes)

·        Demolition of Millfold House and excellent progress with other housing sites in Rotherham Town Centre

·        Contracts entered into and works commenced on Chesterhill Avenue and Whinney Hill (Dalton and Thrybergh) for the construction of 237 new homes

·        Approval of the 2021-22 HRA Business Plan on 21st December 2020 which identifies circa £114m of investment to support future housing growth.


It was purposed that 2 sites, Netherfield Court and York Road car park, be transferred from the General Fund Asset Register to the HRA so that HRA resources could be expended on site preparation works and for match funding. Work was also being undertaken on Town Centre developments where the majority of properties would be available for affordable rent.


The Cabinet Member for Housing confirmed that a seminar would be held for Ward Members alongside Member consultation in February on potential sites. Residents would be consulted via the Planning process, but the Strategic Housing and Development Service had also worked with the Neighbourhood Service to assist with disseminating information about development in localities, identifying alignment with Ward priorities.


The Cabinet Member for Jobs and Local Economy thanked officers across Housing and Regeneration for working together to bring these developments forward.




1.    That progress made with the 2020/21 housing development programme be noted.


2.    That authority be delegated to the Assistant Director of Housing, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing and the Section 151 Officer, to enter into a Brownfield Housing Fund agreement with the Sheffield City Region where this will serve to increase the number of new homes delivered in Rotherham.


3.    That the appropriation of Netherfield Court and York Road car park (both in Eastwood) from the General Fund to the HRA, be approved.


4.    That a change to 6 monthly rather than quarterly update reports, be approved.

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