Report of the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment Services
Cabinet note the progress against commitments
2. Cabinet approve the refreshed transparency statement for publication.
Consideration was given to the report which provided an update in relation to the activity of the Council and its partners in seeking to both address and prevent modern slavery. The Council had passed a resolution to adopt the Co-operative Party Charter against Modern Slavery on 25th July, 2018, and there had been subsequent reports to Cabinet in October 2018 and June 2019. The report also introduced a refreshed transparency statement for 2021.
Appendix 2 to the report showed that the Council had achieved full compliance in a number of areas with other requirements remaining on track. Procurement staff had been trained and advice and guidance had been developed for contract and commissioning officers.
Between 1st April 2019 and 30th September 2020 there had been 28 referrals from Rotherham into the National Referral Mechanism. The Council were working with South Yorkshire Modern Slavery Partnership to develop its reporting and recording processes. The Cabinet Member explained that it was positive that 28 referrals had been identified as it showed the procedures that were in place were working effectively. Work was being undertaken to further implement the Charter with particular focus on the right of contracted workers to join a Trade Union.
Cabinet note the progress against commitments
2. Cabinet approve the refreshed transparency statement for publication.
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