Presentation by Sharon Kemp, Chief Executive RMBC
Sharon Kemp, Chief Executive RMBC, gave the following powerpoint presentation:-
Priority 1: Build a social movement to support local people to be more physically active to benefit physical and mental wellbeing – What’s Working Well?
The Moving Rotherham Partnership leading and supporting with:
- Launched #MovingRotherham campaign
- Sport England ‘Tackling Inequalities Fund’ funded 21 projects
- Shaping Places for Healthier Lives – discovery stage project looking at physical activity and green spaces
- Local ‘Beat the Street’ project commissioned – ‘game phase’ taking place from 17th March 2021
- Women’s Euros taking place 2022 and local ‘Legacy Plan’ developed
Issues to address
- Not enough people physically active in Rotherham
- Covid-19 having deconditioning effects on older people
- Loss of lean body mass can result in decreased immunity and increased risk of infection
- Main motivation for older people to be active was social contact
- Covid shown we need to think about ‘physical activity’ differently – building movement into every day life
Next Steps
- Continue to push #MovingRotherham through the Rotherham Activity Partnership
- Develop local MECC physical activity training package to roll out
- Utilise free resources including Moving Professionals and Clinical Champions training where appropriate
- Communication messages linked to ‘Be Active’ theme as part of 5 Ways to Wellbeing
Priority 2: Ensure support is in place for carers – What’s working well
- Monthly partner meetings in place to ensure unpaid carers were supported throughout the pandemic
- 142 unpaid carers had accessed the Carers Grant – C19 Funding Programme delivered by Crossroads Care on behalf of the Council
- Regular update meetings with Carers Forum in place to ensure information reaches unpaid carers in a timely manner
- Work underway with partners to refresh the Rotherham Carers Strategy
- Review of the Carers Centre underway to look at what unpaid carers would need from a future face-to-face offer
- Working with colleagues from around Yorkshire and Humber to share ideas and explore best practice to ensure the future Rotherham unpaid carer offer was of the highest quality
Issues to address
- National lockdown – creating impact on carers with increased anxiety, loneliness and isolation
- Capacity challenges due to increased requirement for organisations to support carers
Next steps
- Carer profile needs to be refreshed in light of Covid-19 as agreed at Health and Wellbeing Board (deadline of 10th March 2021)
- Evaluate carer assessments within Adult Social Care to understand the Covid-19 impact upon unpaid carers (deadline of 10th March 2021)
- Finalise the report on the future of the Carers Centre (deadline of 25th February 2021)
- Carers mapping work to look at a carer journey document that aligned with the refreshed guidance and future strategy (deadline of 29th April)
Priority 3: Develop a whole-system approach to tackling obesity in Rotherham with consideration of the impact of Covid-19
Proposal – ‘Healthy Weight Champions’ and developing local plan
- Council formally adopted Local Authority Declaration on Healthy Weight in January 2020 providing the framework for a local plan
- Develop a local NHS Healthy Weight Declaration and Partner Pledges to sit alongside
- Suggest each partner organisation nominates a ‘Healthy Weight Champion’
- Champions to work with Public Health lead to develop the local plan
Discussion ensued on the presentation with the following issues raised/highlighted:-
· Continued participation in the Shaping Places for Healthier Lives. Now at Stage 3, the Discovery Stage, with £20,000 available for research into some of the key challenges and barriers for people actually living healthy lives. Information from that would inform a final bid application which would be up to £300,000 bid for a 3 year period
· Excellent feedback from the recipients of the electronic equipment purchased through the Unpaid Carers Grant. Work was taking place on Phase 2 to make further purchases
Sharon was thanked for her presentation.
(1) That the presentation be noted.
(2) That Board members notify Kate Green of the organisation Champion by the end of January to work with Public Health lead on healthy weight.
(2) That work continue on developing a partnership Healthy Weight Plan based on the proposal taking into consideration the impact of Covid-19.
Action: All Board members/Kate Green