Agenda item

COVID-19 Update


Report of the Chief Executive




a)    That the proposed Local Self-Isolation Support Payment be approved with an initial budget of up to £100k if demand requires it; funded from the Contain Outbreak Management Fund.

b)    That the discretionary Self-Isolation Support Payment fund be topped up by up to £100k if demand requires it; funded from the Contain Outbreak Management Fund.

c)    That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director of Finance and Customer Services to adjust the allocations provided to the discretionary scheme and the Local Self-Isolation Support Payment scheme, between the schemes, as demand requires.

d)    That Cabinet note the ongoing impacts of COVID-19, including local outbreaks.

e)    That Cabinet note the arrangements in place to respond to COVID-19.



Consideration was given to the report which provided an update on how the Council was responding to the COVID-19 global pandemic. Proposals were outlined which sought to introduce a Self-Isolation Support Payment Scheme. Attached to the report at Appendix 1 was a timeline of key COVID-19 announcements. The Leader introduced the report and gave details on the proposed Local Self-Isolation Support Payment.


The Local Self-Isolation Support Payment would broadly follow the same principles of the Government’s Self-Isolation Support Payment Scheme but would not be based on financial hardship. The criteria for the payment was as follows:


·        Have been told to stay at home and self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace, either because they have tested positive for Coronavirus or have recently been in close contact with someone who has tested positive. They should have a unique NHS Test and Trace ID number that they have to provide for the application process.

·        Started a period of self-isolation on or after the 25th January, 2021.

·        Have not been able to access the Government’s Self-Isolation Support payments or discretionary payments.

·        Are employed or self-employed; and 

·        Are unable to work from home and will lose income as a result. 


The payments were for £250 and were to be funded from the Contain Outbreak Management Fund, with a maximum allocation of £100k to potentially fund 400 applications.


The Chief Executive provided an update on the COVID-19 situation in Rotherham. Since the last update a new national lockdown had come into effect. The infection rate number for Rotherham was stable but still high. The Council continued to support the most vulnerable and the Community Hub had been operational throughout the pandemic to enable this. Five vaccination sites were operational across the Borough and Primary Care Networks were responding well to the demand.


The Strategic Director Finance and Customer Service provided an update on the funding provided from Government. The funding had been increased for the Test and Trace Support Fund from £136k to £327k, however, based on applications received, £279k of that had already been granted. That left £48k which would pay another 96 claims. The Discretionary Fund had increased to £120k but £86.5k had already been spent, leaving £33.5k which would fund another 67 claims. Officers were clear that funding from the Government would run out quickly which emphasised the need for the additional Local Self-Isolation Support Payment.


The report had been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board as part of the pre-decision scrutiny process. The Board was fully supportive of the recommendations. Cabinet Members also expressed their support for the additional support payment and urged residents to continue following the rules.




1.    That the proposed Local Self-Isolation Support Payment be approved with an initial budget of up to £100k if demand requires it; funded from the Contain Outbreak Management Fund.

2.    That the discretionary Self-Isolation Support Payment Fund be topped up by up to £100k if demand requires it; funded from the Contain Outbreak Management Fund.

3.    That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director of Finance and Customer Services to adjust the allocations provided to the discretionary scheme and the Local Self-Isolation Support Payment Scheme, between the schemes, as demand requires.

4.    That Cabinet note the ongoing impacts of COVID-19, including local outbreaks. 

5.    That Cabinet note the arrangements in place to respond to COVID-19.

Supporting documents: