Agenda item

Digital Strategy

Report of the Strategic Director of Finance and Customer Service




1.    To approve the Council’s Digital Strategy.

2.    To note the investment already approved towards its delivery.

3.    To endorse the management and governance arrangements.



Consideration was given to the report which outlined the Council’s Digital Strategy. It highlighted the work undertaken already and illustrated how the Council planned to use digital technologies to become more modern and efficient. It would also help provide self-service access to and delivery of Council services and contribute to improving outcomes for local residents and the wider Borough.


The previous Digital Strategy covered the period 2016-2019 and therefore needed a refresh. Achievements of the previous Strategy included single case management system implementation to support Children and Adult Services; the development of the Rotherham Health record; a refreshed website and ‘Your Account’ service; free Wi-Fi within a large number of Council buildings; provision for increased internet speed; deployment of ‘GovRoam’ and the implementation of Microsoft Teams to facilitate remote working.


The new Strategy was based around four inter-connected themes:


·    Digital Collaboration

·    Digital Customer Service

·    Digital Borough

·    Digital Workforce


It aimed to maximise the use of digital technology; work with partners, suppliers and other organisations to join-up and integrate services; strive towards become a ‘smart city’; design digital services to be accessible regardless of age, disability, ethnicity or skill level and promote and increase digital inclusion.


Capital investment had already been earmarked towards realising the Strategy aims but the impact and prioritisation of resources in response to COVID-19 had stalled the development of the Strategy and subsequent investment in the current financial year. The funding was assumed to roll-forward.


The report had been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board as part of the pre-decision scrutiny process. The Board was fully supportive of the recommendations and requested that a progress report be brought back to OSMB in February 2022 for review.




1.  That the Digital Strategy is approved.

2.  That the investment already approved towards the Strategy’s delivery is noted.

3.  That the management and governance arrangements are endorsed.

That a progress report on the implementation of the Digital Strategy be brought to the February 2022 meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board.

Supporting documents: