Agenda item

SCC/RMBC Clean Air Zone Programme - Approval To Deliver Rotherham's Air Quality Measures Projects

Report of the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment.




1.    That approval is given for commencement of 3 highways works projects detailed in paragraph 1.10 to enable the Council to be in a position to achieve N02 compliance as soon as possible and that these projects, fully funded by government grant, be added to the Council’s approved capital programme.



Consideration was given to the report which sought approval for the commencement of 3 highways works projects to enable the Council to be in a position to achieve NO2 compliant as soon as possible. The works were required as air quality was a major issue of growing interest and significance at a national and international level. Work had begun on this project in December 2018 with a report to Cabinet where it was agreed that a consultation on the proposed measures could begin in early 2019.


RMBC and Sheffield City Region were still undertaking work on the full business case for the Clean Air Zone prior to submission and full approval by Government. However, RMBC had assessed the Outline Business Case to identify which parts of the scheme could be delivered without Government approval. The 3 schemes identified were:


-            Sheffield Parkway 50mph speed limit (to be delivered as part of Parkway Widening)

-            Wortley Road Weight Restriction

-            Rawmarsh Hill Bus Priority and Routing Changes.


Work was also ongoing in relation to Meadowbank Road. However current modelling suggested that it was not likely to be required to achieve air quality compliance. The Cabinet Member for Waste, Roads and Community Safety confirmed that the COVID-19 pandemic had delayed some of the work on projects.


The report had been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board as part of the pre-decision scrutiny process. The Board were fully supportive of the recommendation.




That approval was given for commencement of 3 highways works projects detailed in paragraph 1.10 to enable the Council to be in a position to achieve N02 compliance as soon as possible and that these projects, fully funded by Government grant, be added to the Council’s approved Capital Programme.

Supporting documents: