To receive an update report regarding the impact of the Learning Disability Transformation Programme known as “My Front Door.”
Consideration was given to a report setting out the next steps in the transformation of services and support for people with a learning disability in line with the learning disability vision My Front Door and the learning from the consultation with people and families conducted in 2018.
The report described the planned ongoing transformation of the LD Services over the next 12 months which will see the Services continue to move from existing building-based locations which will be decommissioned and to alternative services that will be situated as close to the person as possible in their local community, using and developing existing resources and community buildings and community provision. The report further described the next phase of delivery which included plans to make sure all people with a learning disability have access to services that promote independence, wellbeing, and social inclusion.
In discussion, Members requested more information around the plans for people who will no longer be attending the Addison Day Centre. The response from the Assistant for Adult Care provided assurances that all of the people who previously met at the Day Centre, are now dispersed across a number of areas and pursuits based on their individual interests. The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health provided several case studies of positive feedback from the attendees that the new programme was embraced and that the participants were enjoying their new opportunities. This was not without its challenges in taking on a new process, but the result of the efforts gives more independence to the individuals.
Members requested clarification around timelines for the actions and assessments detailed in the report. The response noted that the previous timelines that had been set had had to be deferred due to COVID, but the assessment is two-thirds of the way through. The timeline had originally been for March of this year, and it had had to be reprogrammed multiple times. It was hoped that another three months would see this phase completed. The assurance given to clients was that the service would not conclude their work until all of the participants are happy with the offer. During the pandemic the service are unable to do the face to face work that makes the difference.
Members expressed curiosity around the move from Parkhill during COVID. The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health noted the Parkhill building did not allow the effective management of a COVID outbreak and was in need of remodelled and redesigned – which is precarious due to asbestos. The response further noted the logistical advantages and popularity of Lord Hardy Court with the residents.
Members inquired whether former participants were in fact receiving new opportunities. There were various offers, including something similar to a day centre, which provide choice to the former clients of Oaks, and we have been speaking with them to find out how they are getting on. The important thing is that the choice is up to them. Individuals have received support and training to become self-employed; others have asked to work at a particular activity centre, so it is very much about the choices of the individuals. For some, that is something similar to what they have done in the past; for others it is altogether different, and for still others, it is a blend of options. One person, for example, expressed a desire to learn how to ride a bicycle and subsequently learned.
1. That the report be noted.
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