Agenda item

Climate Emergency Annual Report

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive.




1.    That the progress to date towards NZ30 and NZ40 targets be noted


2.    That the 2021/22 Carbon Action Plan appended be noted


3.    That the report and action plan be forwarded to the next ordinary Council meeting.



Consideration was given to the report which provided an update on the “Rotherham Council Responding to the Climate Emergency” Policy and Action Plan. Rotherham Council had declared a Climate Emergency on 20th October, 2019, which had led to the production of the Policy and Action Plan. At its meeting on 23rd March, 2020, Cabinet resolved to establish the targets of:


-            Council’s carbon emissions to be net zero by 2030 (NZ30)

-            Rotherham-wide carbon emissions to be at net zero by 2040 (NZ40)


Attached to the report at Appendix 1 was a progress summary and the 2021/22 action plan. Highlights included the reduced energy consumption and CO2emissions in operational Council buildings by 54% and streetlighting by 73%. Rotherham was also one of only four local authorities in England and Wales to install over 2,500 energy efficiency measures through the Energy Company Obligation Scheme.


The Cabinet Member for Cleaner, Greener Communities advised that there were several key projects detailed in the 2021/22 Action Plan. These included implementing energy awareness training for the Council Workforce; developing a site decarbonisation plan and implementing energy efficiency upgrades; expanding the electronic vehicle charging infrastructure and developing a climate emergency communication and engagement plan. There was also scope in the 2021/22 Budget for the recruitment of a research officer and a Tree Planting Engagement Officer.


The report had been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board as part of the pre-decision scrutiny process. The Board were fully supportive of the recommendations.




1.    That the progress to date towards NZ30 and NZ40 targets be noted


2.    That the 2021/22 Carbon Action Plan appended be noted


3.    That the report and action plan be forwarded to the next ordinary Council meeting.

Supporting documents: