Report of the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment.
1. That the draft Rotherham Cycling Strategy 2021 attached at Appendix 2 be approved for public consultation.
Consideration was given to the report which set out the development of a new Strategy, outlining the Council’s ambition for cycling. The Strategy would deliver improvements to the Council’s existing cycle network and also set out its ambitions and objectives for the investing in and expanding of Rotherham’s cycling provision. The Strategy would promote the use of cycling to benefit health and well-being, the economy and the environment. Cabinet were asked to approve the draft Strategy attached to the report at Appendix 2 for public consultation.
The Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Local Economy reported that cycling was growing in popularity and the cycling infrastructure in Rotherham was not set to cope with the growing demand. More funding was become available for cycling and the Council had been fully involved with the Sheffield City Region Active Travel Implementation Plan and Transforming Cities Fund bids during round 1 with Fenton Road Cycleway being installed as a result of the scheme. Approval for future funding was pending, however, Round 2 of the Transforming Cities Fund had resulted in £166m for the city region. As a result of this funding, Rotherham had a number of projects totalling almost £30m over 3 years.
The Cycling Strategy would mean cycling would become more viable both as a leisure activity and as a mode of transport. It would also assist the Council in meeting its climate change objectives of reducing carbon emissions. The Cabinet Member encouraged residents to get involved with the consultation to ensure the Strategy reflected a wide range of views.
The report had been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board as part of the pre-decision scrutiny process. The Board were fully supportive of the recommendations and requested that further consideration be given in the development of the Strategy as to how Council staff and Elected Members could be supported and encouraged to cycle more. The Board also requested that the Improving Places Select Commission continue to monitor the development of the Cycling Strategy and the development of cycling and related infrastructure in Rotherham. Cabinet accepted both of these requests.
1. That the draft Rotherham Cycling Strategy 2021 attached at Appendix 2 be approved for public consultation.
2. That further consideration be given in the development of the Cycling Strategy to how Council staff and Elected Members can be supported and encouraged to cycle more.
3. That the Improving Places Select Commission continues to monitor the development of the Cycling Strategy and the development of cycling and related cycling infrastructure in Rotherham.
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