Agenda item

Transport Capital Programme 2021/22

Report of the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment.




1.    That Cabinet notes the funding, as stated in the report, that supports the delivery of major transport projects for the Council.


2.    That Cabinet approves the content and scheme priorities for the 2021-22 Local Transport Plan Programme and three highway structures schemes referred to in section 1.10 to 1.11 and Appendix 2.


3.     That, with the exception of Local Safety Schemes, decisions on any changes needed to the programme are delegated to the Strategic Director Regeneration & Environment in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Local Economy and the Cabinet Member for Waste, Roads and Community Safety.



Consideration was given to the report which outlined the Transport Capital Programme for 2021/22 and explained the sources of funding. Specific Transport Capital funding was provided to the Council via the Sheffield City Region’s Integrated Transport Block allocation which was is awarded to Local Transport Authorities each year from the Department of Transport. The year 2020/21 was the final year of the latest round of funding confirmed by the Government. The funds, totalling £1,053,750, supported a programme of infrastructure works across a range of schemes. The schemes focused on Local Safety Schemes, Connectivity, Traffic Management and Smarter travel. The breakdown of the figures was at paragraph 1.3 of the report.


Interim single-year arrangements were being put in place by the Government for the financial year 2021/22. It was proposed to maintain similar levels of funding to each of the themes to enable the Council to be better prepared for future funding bids. In addition to the aforementioned programme, 3 structural schemes had also been identified for delivery in 2021-22. The Schemes are Manvers Footbridge structural painting, West Bawtry Road embankment collapse and Steadfolds Lane embankment collapse.


Local transport schemes included in the Transport Capital Programme were funded from a range of external grant funded wards totalling £81.97m. These schemes included the Parkway Widening Scheme; Greasbrough Coach Road; Get Britain Building Fund – The Whins; Transforming Cities Fund and Active Travel Fun – Broom Road.




1.    That Cabinet notes the funding, as stated in the report, that supports the delivery of major transport projects for the Council.


2.    That Cabinet approves the content and scheme priorities for the 2021-22 Local Transport Plan Programme and 3 highway structures schemes referred to in section 1.10 to 1.11 and Appendix 2.


3.    That, with the exception of Local Safety Schemes, decisions on any changes needed to the programme are delegated to the Strategic Director Regeneration and Environment in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Local Economy and the Cabinet Member for Waste, Roads and Community Safety.

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