Agenda item

Year Ahead Plan Progress Report

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive.




  1. To note the progress made with the Year Ahead activities.



Consideration was given to the report which provided an update on the progress made with the Year Ahead Plan activities since September 2020. The Plan was the Council’s plan for operating in and recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic. It aimed to support residents, communities and businesses through the challenges and uncertainty of the pandemic, helping to build resilience whilst also continuing to drive ambitions plans for Rotherham. An extension to the Plan was agreed on 21st June, 2021, and this was the first quarterly update report since the extension but the fourth update overall.


As of 11th August 2021, 13% of the activities outlined had been completed; 63% were on track; 14% were behind schedule; 2% were off track and 9% had been closed. The Leader advised that the 2 that were off track related to the commissioning of new services to prevent financial exploitation and the Carers Strategy. The Strategy was off track due to staff being redeployed and difficulties with consulting carers, both due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care advised that the Strategy would be completed shortly. The commission of new services to prevent financial exploitation action was off track due to delivery partners being delayed until autumn 2021.


Appendix 1 to the report was the milestone tracker for the Plan whilst Appendix 2 set out case studies related to the Plan. The timeline for the Plan was attached at Appendix 3.


The report had been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board as part of the pre-decision scrutiny process. The Board was fully supportive of the recommendations.




That the progress made with the Year Ahead activities be noted.

Supporting documents: