Agenda item

Local Plan: Adoption of Heritage at Risk Strategy and Register

Cabinet Portfolio: - Jobs and the Local Economy


Strategic Directorate: - Regeneration and Environment



Consideration was given to a report that was submitted for pre-decision scrutiny ahead of the Cabinet meeting scheduled for 19 July 2021 that sought approval for the adoption of the draft Heritage at Risk Strategy and Heritage at Risk Register. The Strategic Director - Regeneration and Environment and the Planning Policy Manager attended the meeting to present the report.


In introducing the report the Strategic Director - Regeneration and Environment noted that the Heritage at Risk Strategy set out the actions that the Council would take to reduce the number of heritage assets at risk and to achieve the repair and restoration of assets that would otherwise be lost. The report stated that wherever possible the Council would work with the owners of heritage assets; however, the strategy also identified actions which could be taken where this could not be achieved.


The Strategic Director noted that the Heritage at Risk Register, that identified assets that were at risk of further deterioration and loss, would be kept updated and formed the basis for identifying and prioritising where actions and resources for the protection of heritage assets should be targeted. The Strategic Director noted the consultation that had been carried out in the preparation of the documents and advised that following Cabinet approval there would be a further six-week consultation period with key partners and stakeholders.


The Planning Policy Manager noted that proposed strategy and risk register would play an important role in the protection of the Borough’s heritage assets, and as such their production, that had been an aspiration for some time was a good news story for the Borough. The Planning Policy Manager advised that there was national register of heritage assets that was managed by Historic England but noted that that register only listed Grade 1 and Grade 1* assets, whereas the proposed Heritage at Risk Register was far more comprehensive in its coverage.


Members asked for further information on the selection criteria that had been used and whether the register would be a “living” document that could have further assets added at a later date. The Planning Policy Manager provided details on the selection criteria that had been used, noting that the criteria had been set by Historic England. The Planning Policy Manager confirmed further sites could be added to the register in future if they met the selection criteria. It was also noted that the “risk” status of assets would be updated as the individual situation regarding each site changed over time.


Members welcomed as a positive development in the protection of the Borough’s heritage that the draft Heritage at Risk Strategy and Heritage at Risk Register would provide. Members noted the scope and limitations of what could be included on the Heritage at Risk Register and asked what if there were any further plans to recognise and protect a wider range of heritage assets, in particular those assets of importance to BAME communities and their heritage. The Planning Policy Manager advised that work was in progress on developing a local list of heritage assets that would have locally set criteria for an asset’s inclusion. The Planning Policy Manager that consultation on this local register would be wide and inclusive.


Members asked whether the outcome regarding the loss of Bramley Old Hall would have been different if the proposed strategy and register had been in place at the time. The Planning Policy Manager advised that the outcome, with the building being demolished would have been the same as Bramley Old Hall had neither been listed or located in a conservation area. The Planning Policy Manager advised that Bramley Old Hall may have been included on a local list if one had existed at the time and that this could have given the site more protection when the application for the means of demolition had been submitted to the Council.


Members sought assurance that ongoing discussions were being carried out regarding sites on the register in order to secure their future. The Planning Policy Manager assured members that numerous conversations were continuing with owners of assets on the register, including the owner of the Guest and Chrimes site.


The Chair noted that some of the assets listed in the register had the incorrect wards noted as their location. The Planning Policy Manager noted that the document had been prepared prior to the new Borough wards coming into force in May 2021 and advised that work would be carried out to update this information.


The Chair thanked the Strategic Director - Regeneration and Environment and the Planning Policy Manager for attending the meeting and answering member questions.


Resolved: -


That Cabinet be advised that the recommendations be supported.


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