Agenda item

Rotherham's Housing Strategy 2004-07

- report by Brian Marsh, Housing Strategy Manager


The Housing Strategy Manager submitted Rotherham’s Housing Strategy 2004-2007 which had been assessed by Government Office for Yorkshire and the Humber and confirmed that it met the “Fit for Purpose” standard.  This achievement would contribute positively to the Council’s CPA score at the next assessment.


Production of a “Fit for Purpose” Housing Strategy must reach the Government’s defined standard by demonstrating that it met the needs of Rotherham whilst at the same time addressing regional and national priorities.  There were 10 specified criteria that must be met with a maximum score of 30 achieved in the Government Office for Yorkshire and the Humber’s assessment by scoring 3 for each element.  The 10 specified criteria that must be met are:-


§                     Demonstrates a corporate context

§                     Contributes to wider priorities

§                     Evidence of partnership working

§                     Based on Needs analysis

§                     Resources identified and allocated

§                     Priorities identified

§                     Options considered

§                     Action Plan produced to deliver

§                     Information on previous progress

§                     Accessibility to a wider audience.


In addition, 3 key national, regional and local documents formed the background to shaping the Housing Strategy:-


§                     Sustainable Communities:  Building for the Future

§                     Yorkshire and the Humber Regional Housing Strategy

§                     Rotherham’s Community Strategy


These, together with the South Yorkshire Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder and the successful bid for ALMO status to achieve the Decent Homes target, had led to the setting of priorities and the development of the Housing Strategy.


Discussion ensued on the Strategy with the following points/issues raised:-


§                     As part of the process to achieve a 2* rating, the Excellence Plan had been updated to take account of the 2 separate assessments undertaken by the Audit Commission.  At the end of the year, the audited Performance Indicators showed that approximately 94% had been achieved.

§                     The purpose of the Strategy was to try and set down what the needs were for the future and look at the availability of the current types of houses. There needed to be a greater range of choice and diversity in the type of housing and one that reflected the changing population of Rotherham.  The Authority had an aging population and housing needs were changing in that area. 

§                     The money that would be drawn down from the ALMO when the 2* status was achieved, would not only bring properties up to the Decent Homes Standard but improve the environment around the properties. 

§                     The Decent Homes standard adopted by the Authority was higher than the standard set by Central Government.  The standard set in the Investment Plan for the ALMO would be higher again.

§                     The Audit Commission would only assess an ALMO when it had been operational for a minimum of 6 months in order for a proper judgement to be given on its management capabilities, delivery and overall governance arrangements.

§                     The Programme Area had a total Capital Programme in excess of £43M for improving homes not just in the public sector.  Part of that was money that would not come in until later in the year as part of the Decent Homes Programmes because it could not be committed until confirmation was received from the Government.  In reality it would be January, 2006, but that did not mean there was no investment being made currently.

§                     Very clear information had been received from the Housing Needs Survey that there was no demand for certain types of accommodation in the Borough particularly 1 bedroom accommodation.  It had been identified as a key issue in the Strategy.  The ALMO’s Investment Plan would look at innovative schemes such as turning a 2 bedroomed bungalow into a 1 bedroom or using roof space.

§                     The Strategy was not set in stone and would be reviewed in conjunction with a number of other strategies and plans.  The role of Housing was 1 element of tackling issues such anti-social behaviour in partnership with other agencies.


Resolved:-  That the achievement of a Fit for Purpose Strategy, a first for Rotherham, be noted.

Supporting documents: