Ben Anderson, Director of Public Health, to present
Ben Anderson, Director of Public Health, reported on the consultation with Board members and engagement with wider stakeholders, including delivery leads, that had taken place in July, 2021, on the draft refreshed Board priorities. Comments raised during the consultation were set out in the report submitted. The following powerpoint presentation was shown:-
Refresh of Priorities
- As agreed at the last Health and Wellbeing Board meeting, the 4 key aims set out within the Health and Wellbeing Strategy would remain the headline outcomes that the Board was working towards
- The underpinning priorities would now be refreshed. It was proposed that the new priorities ran until March 2023 to align with financial years (with flexibility to refresh priorities sooner if required)
- It was proposed that the Health and Wellbeing Strategy delivery plan would be updated based on these priorities (additional milestones and actions may need to be agreed at appropriate intervals for the latter part of the plan period)
Strategy Principles
- Reduce health inequalities by ensuring that the health of our most vulnerable communities, including those living in poverty and deprivation and those with mental health problems, learning or physical disabilities, was improving the fastest
- Prevent physical and mental ill-health as a primary aim but where there already was an issue, services intervene early to maximise impact
- Promote resilience and independence for all individuals and communities
- Integrate commissioning of services to maximise resources and outcomes
- Ensure pathways were robust particularly at transition points so that no one was left behind
- Provide accessible services to the right people, in the right place, at the right time
Aim 1: All children get the best start in life an go on to achieve their full potential
Previous priorities (November 2020-July, 2021)
· Develop our strategy for a positive first 1001 days
· Support positive mental health for all children and young people
· Support children and young people to achieve their full potential
Proposed priorities (July 2021-March 2023)
· Develop our strategy to give every child the best start in life
· Support children and young people to develop well
Board sponsors – Suzanne Joyner (RMBC) and Dr Jason Page (RCCG)
The new priorities that are being proposed had been consolidated and were broader in focus:
· Best start – this priority will include alignment with first 1001 days work within the Place Plan
· Developing well – this will align with other aspects of the Place Plan including mental health and wellbeing, SEND, LAC and transitions
· This priority will also encompass other key partnership priorities including work to tackle childhood obesity
Aim 2: All Rotherham people enjoy the best possible mental health and wellbeing and have a god quality of life
Previous priorities (November 2020-July, 2021)
· Deliver the Better Mental Health for All Strategy
· Deliver the Rotherham Suicide Prevention and Self-Harm Action Plan
· Promote positive workplace wellbeing for staff across the partnership
Proposed priorities (July 2021-March 2023)
· Deliver the Better Mental Health for All Strategy
· Delivery the Rotherham Suicide Prevention and Self-Harm Action Plan and further enhance crisis support services
· Promote positive workplace wellbeing for staff across the partnership
· Enhance Community Mental Health Services
Board sponsors – Kathryn Singh (RDaSH)
· 2021-23 priorities continued
· Focus on IAPT and crisis support
Aim 3: All Rotherham people live well for longer
Previous priorities (November 2020-July, 2021)
· Build a social movement to support local people to be more physically active
· Ensure support is in place for carers
· Develop a whole-systems approach to tackling obesity in Rotherham with consideration of the impact of Covid-19
Proposed priorities (July 2021-March 2023)
· Ensure support is in place for carers
· Support local people to lead healthy lifestyles including reducing the health burden from tobacco, obesity and drugs and alcohol
Board sponsors – Sharon Kemp (RMBC) and Michael Wright (TRFT)
· Michael Wright will be joining as co-sponsor
· Based on evidence from the JSNA, tobacco had been raised as an important priority. It had also been commented that action around drugs and alcohol was a gap within the previous plan
· Aim 3 would therefore include a focus on lifestyle interventions aimed at tobacco, obesity and drugs and alcohol
· There would still be a close relationship between Aims 3 and 4. Social movement around physical activity would now sit in Aim 4
Aim 4: All Rotherham people live in healthy, safe and resilient communities
Previous priorities (November 2020-July, 2021)
· Delivery of a loneliness plan for Rotherham
· Promote health and wellbeing through arts and cultural initiatives
· Ensure Rotherham people are kept safe from harm
Proposed priorities (July 2021-March 2023)
· Delivery of a loneliness plan for Rotherham
· Promote health and wellbeing through arts and cultural initiatives
· Ensure Rotherham people are kept safe from harm
· Develop a Borough that supports a healthy lifestyle
Board sponsors – Steve Chapman (SYP) and Paul Woodcock (RMBC)
· Maintain focus on the 3 previous priorities around loneliness, arts and culture and keeping Rotherham people safe from harm
· Focus on ensuring that Rotherham was a place that supported healthy lifestyles through
- Promoting active travel
- Building on the social movement around physical activity including using the Women’s Euros as a focus point of activity
- Delivering against the Local Authority Declaration on Healthy Weight
Engagement with Board Members
- Maintaining alignment with the Place Plan remained a priority
- Activity to reduce the health burden from tobacco, drugs and alcohol should feature within the plan
- The relationship between the Health and Wellbeing Board’s priorities and the priorities of other partnership boards, such as the Safer Rotherham Partnership, should be considered
- Childhood obesity should be captured as part of the Aim 1 section of the plan
- Work around SEND and Youth Offending Provision should also be incorporated within Aim 1
- There was some discussion regarding the overlap between Aims 3 and 4 and where activity should sit. It was emphasised that lifestyle interventions should sit within Aim 3 and developing a Borough that supported healthy lifestyles should sit within Aim 4
- A priority around partners’ roles as anchor institutions and promoting social value should be included
Role of Board Sponsors
- Additionally, some feedback was received regarding the current position with Board sponsors. It was noted that:-
· The role of Board sponsors could be clearer and it would be useful to have a document that set this out in further detail
· Having a better balance of Board sponsors from all partner organisations would be desirable to ensure that all partners of the Board were able to take a leading role
· There was currently no Board sponsor for the cross-cutting priorities and Aim 2 was the only Aim with a single Board sponsor
Discussion ensued on the presentation with the following issues raised/highlighted:-
- The need to define the role of a Board sponsor more clearly
- Probability of the need to review after April 2022 once the South Yorkshire ICS was in place and on an annual basis thereafter
- The need for another Board sponsor for Aim 2
- Caution with regard to the use of digital technology and not creating inequalities for service users
- Need to monitor the increase in the use of non-opiate drugs and alcohol in the Borough and ensure that the work plan reflected such
Resolved:- (1) That the refreshed strategic priorities and draft action plan be approved.
(2) That at the next meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board Executive Group, consideration be given to the draft Terms of Reference for Board sponsors.
(3) That once agreed, a draft memorandum of understanding be produced outlining the role of Health and Wellbeing Board sponsors and emailed out to the Board for comment.
(4) That non-opiate drugs and tobacco be added to Aim 4.
Action:- Ben Anderson/Becky Woolley
Supporting documents: