Agenda item



That this Council notes:-


The Government is currently continuing to press ahead with its plans to cut £20 per week from recipients of Universal Credit and Working Tax Credit on the 6th October.


This means almost thirty thousand households in our borough will suffer from increased anxiety over how to make ends meet, as £20 each week is removed from an already extremely tight budget.  Figures from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation show that 16,380 of the households in the borough of Rotherham are families with children.


The devastating impact of this proposed cut is unimaginable, unnecessary, and unconscionable.


Therefore, this Council resolves to call on the Government to protect the most vulnerable households in our borough and across the country by not withdrawing £20 per week from those with the lowest incomes in our society.


Mover:-  Councillor Sheppard                 Seconder:-  Councillor Allen



In accordance with Rule of Procedure 19 (2) Councillor Sheppard requested that a recorded vote should be taken on the proposed motion. In accordance with the Rule of Procedure 5 Members stood to show their support for a recorded vote to be taken on the motion.


It was moved by Councillor Sheppard and seconded by Councillor Allen:


“That this Council notes: -


The Government is currently continuing to press ahead with its plans to cut £20 per week from recipients of Universal Credit and Working Tax Credit on 6th October.


This means almost 30,000 households in our Borough will suffer from increased anxiety over how to make ends meet, as £20 each week is removed from an already extremely tight budget.  Figures from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation show that 16,380 of the households in the Borough of Rotherham are families with children.


The devastating impact of this proposed cut is unimaginable, unnecessary and unconscionable.


Therefore, this Council resolves to call on the Government to protect the most vulnerable households in our Borough and across the country by not withdrawing £20 per week from those with the lowest incomes in our society.”


At this point it was moved by Councillor A. Carter and seconded by Councillor Miro that the motion be amended as follows.


“That this Council notes: -


The Government is currently continuing to press ahead with its plans to cut £20 per week from recipients of Universal Credit and Working Tax Credit on the 6th October.


This means almost 30,000 households in our Borough will suffer from increased anxiety over how to make ends meet, as £20 each week is removed from an already extremely tight budget. Figures from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation show that 16,380 of the households in the Borough of Rotherham are families with children.


The devastating impact of this proposed cut is unimaginable, unnecessary, and unconscionable.




The Joseph Rowntree Foundation reports that the number of workers in poverty has increased in recent years. Just under half of workers in poverty are full-time employees, just over 30 per cent are part-time employees and around 20 per cent are self-employed.


Therefore, this Council resolves to call on the Government to: -


·            protect the most vulnerable households in our Borough and across the country by not withdrawing £20 per week from those with the lowest incomes in our society;




·            increase the National Living Wage to the Living Wage recommended by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation to help improve the lives of workers who are living in poverty.


On being put to the vote the amendment to the motion was declared as lost.


The substantive motion (as moved by Councillor Sheppard and seconded by Councillor Allen) was now debated.


In accordance with Rule of Procedure 19 (1) a recorded vote was taken on the motion as follows:


FOR: Councillors Alam, Allen, Andrews, Atkin, Aveyard, Baker-Rogers, Beck, Bennett-Sylvester, Bird, Brookes, Browne, A. Carter, C. Carter, Clark, Cooksey, Cowen, Cusworth, Elliott, Ellis, Griffin, Haleem, Havard, Hoddinott, Hughes, Jones, Khan, Lelliott, Miro, Monk, Read, Roche, Sheppard, and Yasseen


AGAINST: Bacon, Ball, Barker, Barley, Baum-Dixon, Burnett, Collingham, Fisher, Hunter, Mills, Reynolds, Singleton, Thompson, Tinsley, Whomersley, Wilson and Wooding




On being put to the vote the motion was declared as carried.


Mover: - Councillor Sheppard                 Seconder: - Councillor Allen