Agenda item

Questions from Members of the Public


To receive questions from members of the public who wish to ask a general question in respect of matters within the Council’s area of responsibility or influence.


Subject to the Chair’s discretion, members of the public may ask one question and one supplementary question, which should relate to the original question and answered received.


Councillors may also ask questions under this agenda item.


(1)  Councillor Tinsley stated that Maltby residents were concerned about the increase in anti-social behaviour and commercial burglaries which had seen most business been robbed and broken into over the last 24 months. He explained that more needed to be done in Maltby including more youth provisions and more support for businesses. Will you provide this extra help?


In response Councillor Alam explained that the Council was working with South Yorkshire Police and Neighbourhoods Officers to make sure that community safety was being promoted. The Council was also looking at the possibility of providing extra CCTV provision in the area to tackle anti-social behaviour and hold the perpetrators to account.


Councillor Cusworth explained that, whilst she was not aware of the particular issues in Maltby, she would happily have a conversation with Councillor Tinsley outside of the meeting to discuss the matter. She did explain that there was more youth provision now than in more recent years due to pressures on budgets and work was ongoing with the voluntary and community sector to provide more activities. Councillor Cusworth explained that Early Help Workers for that area could be involved in the conversations going forward as there was targeting work that could be done.


Councillor Lelliott informed Councillor Tinsley that she would get the Council’s Business Advisors to contact the businesses in Maltby via the Neighbourhoods Team and work could progress from there.


In the supplementary question Councillor Tinsley stated that he would gladly take up the offer to have conversations with the Cabinet Members. He also stated that via the Towns and Villages Fund, a project to renew the CCTV on Maltby High Street had been approved and he queried whether this aspect could be sped up in light of the concerns raised.


Councillor Alam agreed to take the matter back to the Community Safer Team to discuss the request. The Leader also confirmed that there was a rolling programme of CCTV improvements so checks could be done to find out where Maltby High Street was on that programme.