Report from the Strategic Director of Adult Care, Housing and Public Health.
An overall summary of housing growth progress over the past 12 months was set out in paragraph 1.2 and the photographic summary included as Appendix 1 showed some of those schemes. From January 2018 to the end of March 2022, the Council had completed 390 homes (221 for Council rent, 86 for shared ownership and 83 for sale.) A number of other schemes were in progress or pending contract exchange. This totalled 608 homes.
The housing development activity proposed in the report would commence during 2022/23 and a further report would be presented to Cabinet in December 2022, to update on progress and set out the programme through to March 2026.
This report had been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board as part of the pre-decision scrutiny process. The Board fully supported the recommendations but requested that further work be undertaken to characterise the environmental impacts of construction projects including waste management within the Carbon Impact Assessments. This recommendation was accepted by Cabinet.
That Cabinet approve the Council-owned sites listed in Appendix 2
being brought forward to deliver new homes, with developments which
will deliver more than 10 homes being subject to further Cabinet
2. That Cabinet approve the purchase of homes from any of the schemes identified in Exempt Appendix 3.
3. That further work be undertaken to characterise the environmental impacts of construction projects including waste management within the Carbon Impact Assessments.
Supporting documents: