Agenda item

Rotherham's Housing Strategy 2022-25


Report from the Strategic Director of Adult Care, Housing and Public Health.




1.    That Cabinet approves the Housing Strategy 2022-25


Consideration was given to the report which presented the new Housing Strategy for 2022-25. The Strategy had been developed in consultation with tenants and residents, officers and key stakeholders. It set out the Council’s strategic priorities for housing over the next 3 years.


The long term vision for housing in the Borough was set out in Rotherham’s 30 years Housing Strategy which was published in December 2012 and runs until 2043. The Strategy is refreshed every 3 years to ensure it remains up-to-date and addresses the current challenges and opportunities and references the most recent statistical evidence.


The progress made on delivering the commitments set out in the previous Strategy, which covered the period April 2019–March 2022, was set out in paragraph 1.3 of the report.


Appendix 1 to the report was the Strategy for 2022-25 and set out the priorities which are:


1.    High quality new homes

2.    Affordable housing to meet local need

3.    Investing in existing homes

4.    Bringing empty homes back to use

5.    Supporting people to live independently

6.    Strengthening communities


These priorities aimed to help the Council respond to the key challenges that had arisen since the Strategy was last refreshed. These challenges included changes in Government policy following the pandemic following the initial drive to house everyone sleeping rough. Challenges also included to move to be “net zero” and ensure new homes are build to high standards whilst at the same time, ensure that the Council invests in Rotherham’s existing homes. The Social Housing White Paper 2020 had been introduced following the Grenfell tragedy and this aimed to ensure tenant’s voices were heard and that landlords were accountable.


Consultation had been undertaken between November 2021 and February 2022 and the feedback was used to develop the 6 themes.


Progress would be discussed regularly at the Rotherham Strategic Housing Forum meetings and an annual report would be prepared for the Improving Places Select Commission.




1.    That Cabinet approve the Housing Strategy 2022-25.

Supporting documents: