a) notes with shockand horrorthe deeplyupsetting situationin Ukraineand believes that Vladimir Putin’s attack on Ukraine is an unprovoked, unjustifiableoutrage anda heinousviolation ofinternational lawthat will have tragicconsequences;
b) takes a stand in complete solidarity with the Ukrainian people as they bravely resist thisassault;
c) notes the horrific ordeal facing many as they flee to safety and who now facea futurethat theycould neverhave imagined;
d) notes that formany yearsRotherham hasformed strongpartnerships with thetowns ofZabrze inPoland andCluj-Napoca inRomania, two countriesthat neighbourUkraine thathave respondedadmirably tothe humanitarian crisisthat thisconflict hascaused;
e) notes that thisis nota warwaged byRussian citizensbut byits President and his high-ranking militaryofficials;
f) notes that there are those in Russia who are standing up for what is right and making their voices heard against their own Government, and these people must be commended, and notes that due to brutal police crackdowns on freedom of speech it is dangerous to voice anti-Putin sentiments;and
g) believes that thepeople ofthe Boroughhave along andproud tradition ofsupporting, welcoming,and caringfor thosein need,and weshould be proudof thefact wecan providea safeplace intheir timeof need.
This Council therefore resolves to:
1. Write to the Home Secretary to offer to do what we can to house displaced Ukrainian families – making clear that we will go over and above to offer sanctuary and shelter to those that needit.
2. Support, promote and work in partnership with local charitable, communityand religiousorganisations whoare workingto provide resourcesand assistancefor thoseaffected anddisplaced bythe conflict in Ukraine.
3. Work with ourlocal schoolcommunity tourgently findplacement for anyschool agechildren seekingrefuge inRotherham Borough.
4. Promote opportunities to support other organisations working on the ground in Ukraine to provide humanitarian aid and shelter – these include but are not limited to the British Red Cross, Disasters Emergency Committee, Unicef, the UN Refugee Council, and those in our partner towns in Poland and Romania.
5. Ask our Members of Parliament to raise with the Home Office the issues children, who don’t have a passport, are currently experiencing at the UK border.
This Council also recognises it has a role to play to ensure Russian political and financial interests are not promoted in any of its activities and investments.
This Council therefore further resolves to:
1. Immediately request a report from the South Yorkshire Pensions Authority on the investments our Council’s Pension Fund currently has inRussian companies.Where theseinvestments stillexist, Councilcalls on the Pension Fund to make immediate arrangements to divest any shares in Russiancompanies.
2. To review immediatelyany contractualcommitments theCouncil has withRussian suppliers,particularly forenergy, andtake stepsto cease these at the earliestopportunity.
3. Write to theHome Officeto giveRotherham Council’ssupport to stricter sanctions on the Russian regime.
This Councilalso resolvesto askall GroupLeaders signa jointletter tothe Prime Ministerand ForeignSecretary callingon theUK Governmentto matchwords with action and;
1. Offer sanctuary toUkrainian peoplein theirhour ofneed without havingto gothrough theprolonged visaapplication process.
2. End our dependence on Russian energy and fast-track the transition to renewable energysources.
3. Impose the severest economic, financial, technical andcultural sanctions on the Russian state.
Mover:- Councillor Miro Seconder:- Councillor Tarmey
It was moved by Councillor Miro and seconded by Councillor Tarmey:-
· notes with shockand horrorthe deeplyupsetting situationin Ukraineand believes that Vladimir Putin’s attack on Ukraine is an unprovoked, unjustifiableoutrage anda heinousviolation ofinternational lawthat will have tragicconsequences;
· takes a stand in complete solidarity with the Ukrainian people as they bravely resist thisassault;
· notes the horrific ordeal facing many as they flee to safety and who now facea futurethat theycould neverhave imagined;
· notes that formany yearsRotherham hasformed strongpartnerships with thetowns ofZabrze inPoland andCluj-Napoca inRomania, two countriesthat neighbourUkraine thathave respondedadmirably tothe humanitarian crisisthat thisconflict hascaused;
· notes that thisis nota warwaged byRussian citizensbut byits President and his high-ranking militaryofficials;
· notes that there are those in Russia who are standing up for what is right and making their voices heard against their own Government, and these people must be commended, and notes that due to brutal police crackdowns on freedom of speech it is dangerous to voice anti-Putin sentiments;and
· believes that thepeople ofthe Boroughhave along andproud tradition ofsupporting, welcoming,and caringfor thosein need,and weshould be proudof thefact wecan providea safeplace intheir timeof need.
This Council therefore resolves to:
1. Write to the Home Secretary to offer to do what we can to house displaced Ukrainian families – making clear that we will go over and above to offer sanctuary and shelter to those that needit.
2. Support, promote and work in partnership with local charitable, communityand religiousorganisations whoare workingto provide resourcesand assistancefor thoseaffected anddisplaced bythe conflict in Ukraine.
3. Work with ourlocal schoolcommunity tourgently findplacement for anyschool agechildren seekingrefuge inRotherham Borough.
4. Promote opportunities to support other organisations working on the ground in Ukraine to provide humanitarian aid and shelter – these include but are not limited to the British Red Cross, Disasters Emergency Committee, Unicef, the UN Refugee Council, and those in our partner towns in Poland and Romania.
5. Ask our Members of Parliament to raise with the Home Office the issues children, who don’t have a passport, are currently experiencing at the UK border.
This Council also recognises it has a role to play to ensure Russian political and financial interests are not promoted in any of its activities and investments.
This Council therefore further
resolves to:
1. Immediately request a report from the South Yorkshire Pensions Authority on the investments our Council’s Pension Fund currently has inRussian companies.Where theseinvestments stillexist, Councilcalls on the Pension Fund to make immediate arrangements to divest any shares in Russiancompanies.
2. To review immediatelyany contractualcommitments theCouncil has withRussian suppliers,particularly forenergy, andtake stepsto cease these at the earliest opportunity.
3. Write to theHome Officeto giveRotherham Council’ssupport to stricter sanctions on the Russian regime.
This Council alsoresolves toask allGroup Leaderssign ajoint letterto thePrime Minister andForeign Secretarycalling onthe UKGovernment tomatch words with actionand;
1. Offer sanctuary toUkrainian peoplein theirhour ofneed without havingto gothrough theprolonged visaapplication process.
2. End our dependence on Russian energy and fast-track the transition to renewable energysources.
3. Impose the severest economic, financial, technical and cultural sanctions on the Russianstate.
On being put to the vote, the motion was declared as carried by the majority.