Agenda item

Questions from Members of the Public


To receive questions from members of the public who wish to ask a general question in respect of matters within the Council’s area of responsibility or influence.


Subject to the Chair’s discretion, members of the public may ask one question and one supplementary question, which should relate to the original question and answered received.


Councillors may also ask questions under this agenda item.


(1)           Rachel Graham, Clerk to Waverley Community Council, asked the following question in relation to Waverley Junior Academy: Could the Council provide portacabins for the young students come September 2022 to commence their education in their village, which they can walk to, as there are an additional 21 students without placements at the moment.


The Assistant Director of Education and Inclusion, Nathan Heath, responded by explaining that it was right to recognise that there was a clear challenge for those children and young people that had not been accepted into Waverley Junior Academy. RMBC had been doing a significant piece of work with the DfE and having dialogue with them around the forward planning for Waverley. The DfE’s position was very clear and they had made in consistently clear that within the planning area of Waverley. there were available school spaces for children and young people that were within the catchment area. In direct response to the question, Mr. Heath confirmed that the Council would not be providing portacabins at Waverley Junior Academy this year.


In her supplementary question, the Clerk to Waverley Community Council confirmed that in previous correspondence with the Council, it had been confirmed that it was RMBC Policy to encourage sustainable travel to school which includes walking over car usage. How does this marry up?


Mr. Heath stated that that was a very valid question but explained that the schools that were in and around the Waverley village and catchment were within the criteria set by the DfE. It was recognised that a number of children who had not been admitted to Waverley for September may be at wider parameters of the catchment area. However, from the specific and detailed work that had been done around that, all children should be able to access a local catchment school.