Agenda item

Work Programme - feedback from Scrutiny Strategy/Work Programming Day

To receive a presentation and verbal update from the Scrutiny Strategy Day held on April 26, 2023.


The Senior Governance Advisor gave a presentation outlining the key points from the recent Scrutiny Strategy/ Work Planning Day held on 26 April 2023. Fifteen members attended the session, along with Link Officers and Governance Advisors. The day was supported by the Local Government Association as a follow-up to its “Effective Scrutiny of Children’s Services” session delivered to members of Improving Lives Select Commission in October 2022.


The presentation covered the following areas:



­   The purpose of Overview and Scrutiny (O&S)

­   What does O&S do (and what it can’t)

­   Role of “scrutiny” and “overview”


       Work programming

­   Provides a framework for scrutiny activity (rather than prescriptive list)

­   Should be member led

­   Be selective – can’t focus on everything

­   Need to consider what resources are available to support – time and information

­   Usually determined at the start of each municipal year

­   Is a living document - reviewed and revised regularly



­   Can scrutiny add value or influence?

­   Is it being looked at elsewhere?

­   Is it a priority – council or community?


       Developing a consistent shortlisting criteria e.g.

­   T:  Time: is it the tight time, enough resources?

­   O: Others: is this duplicating the work of another body?

­   P: Performance: can scrutiny make a difference

­   I:   Interest – what is the interest to the public?

­   C: Contribution to the corporate plan


       Scoping scrutiny activity

­   What are the key issues?

­   What is the outcome that we want?

­   Who are the key stakeholders?

­   Who should be involved?

­   Benchmarking?

­   What evidence is needed?

­   What are the potential barriers/risks you may need to overcome?

­   What are the timescales?

­   What is NOT included in the review?


       Types of scrutiny

­   Whole Committee review?

­   Formal meetings

­   Task and finish to drive the investigation work?

­   Spotlight reviews

­   Individual or paired Councillors to drive the review?

­   Visits


       Putting into practice – examples of scoping work

       Health Select Commission

­   Social prescribing

­   Access to mental health support

       Improving Lives Select Commission

­   Preparation for adulthood

­   Safeguarding of children educated in a non-school setting

       Improving Places Select Commission

­   Environment Act- opportunities to increase reuse/recycle (including partnerships with social enterprises)


A further report would be submitted to the Board detailing options for work planning in due course.


The Chair invited questions and comments from Board Members.


The Chair of Improving Places Select Commission commented on the recent Council motion on the Nature Crisis and how the commission would focus on this area as part of its work programme.


Clarification was sought about OSMB’s work programme. It was outlined that the programme would be submitted early in the new municipal year for discussion and approval. It was noted that the Board had prioritised a number of areas for scrutiny over the current year which would be factored into the work programme.


Resolved: -  1) That the presentation be noted.


2) That a further report detailing options for scrutiny work programmes be submitted to this Board.