Agenda item

Outcomes from the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board relating to the Children's Commissioner's Takeover Challenge - Climate Change

Report from the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment.




  1. That the Cabinet response to the Children’s Commissioners Takeover Challenge on Climate Change be approved.


On 16th March, 2022, the Children’s Commissioner’s Takeover was held in Rotherham with climate change as the theme for this year’s challenge. Rotherham Youth Cabinet had climate change as one of their key priorities in their manifesto.


          Appendix 1 to the report set out the recommendations following the Children’s Commissioner’s Takeover Challenge and the proposed response for Cabinet to consider. The recommendations developed by the Youth Cabinet focussed on:

·        Enhanced action to reduce pollution and single-use plastics

·        Strengthening inclusive engagement with young people on the climate  and environment agenda for Rotherham including through the  development of an Environmental Awards Scheme for Rotherham  Schools

·        Increased provision of carbon literacy training/awareness raising


The recommendations had been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board in July 2022 who recommended that they be considered by Cabinet.




That the Cabinet response to the Children’s Commissioners Takeover Challenge on Climate Change be approved.

Supporting documents: