Agenda item

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy (2022/2025), Action Plan (2022/2023) and Annual Report (2021/2022)

Cabinet Portfolio: - Corporate Services, Community Safety and Finance


Strategic Directorate: Assistant Chief Executive


The Cabinet Member for Corporate Services, Community Safety and Finance introduced the report explaining that the Council Plan has set out its ambition to create an inclusive borough for people to live, work and enjoy.  A borough where no one was left behind, where all were welcomed and treated fairly, which became even more important in the face cost of living increases and the impact of Covid which had disadvantaged some groups.   The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy supports this ambition however considerable progress had already been made over recent years and each year the Council reported it’s progress on it’s equalities journey.  This was last reviewed by OSMB in June 2021. 


The Annual Report for 2021/22 set out the scene in terms of progress made and the next steps required along with including a series of case studies that indicated the real differences the Council had made.   The Council had to publish its equality objectives setting out how it met it’s public sector equality duties however Council has decided to go further by producing a strategy that supports the Council Plan by looking at what has been committed to in terms of equality, diversity and inclusion.  The action plan sets out the Council’s commitments to ensure that equality objectives are embedded in everything it does along with achieving the highest standards in equalities for local government.  The objectives within the action plan had been widely consulted upon over a 5-week period.  As a result of the consultation the objectives had been reshaped and aligned more directly with the equality framework.


The approach adopted reduces duplication and the action planning process would be repeated each year and reported through the normal processes.


It was a positive report however it was suggested that options within the consultation documents should include the option of non-binary and provide a wider range of options rather than just Mr and Mrs etc.  It was noted that the Council could engage with more people who have that lived experience.


The number of objectives and achievements listed in the report were noted however it was queried how this matched against the public’s perception and experiences. 


The peer review progress was noted and it was clarified that the timescales regarding this had changed due to Covid however it was felt that the Council should aim for excellence.  The Assistant Chief Executive explained that the Council had a comprehensive action plan to work towards achieving excellent however the framework was changed around December with a view to received more evidenced outcome of impacts, such as the lived experience, rather than the organisations commitment to completing the objectives.  


Members felt that the equality impact assessments completed as part of projects did not cover the full issues or indicate how the proposed changes would impact specific groups.  The Assistant Chief Executive indicated there were pockets of best practice across the services where people really understood how best to present the information, how to assess the impacts and how to mitigate them appropriately.  These were being identified with a view to being shared as best practice for continual development across the organisation.  It was clarified that equalities had been built into the service planning process for this year.


There was a concern that certain groups were not being consulted with because they were unable to access IT services.  It was explained that along with the online and written questionnaires, focus groups were held, along with information being placed in the libraries with assistance being provided by staff to complete them if needed.  Several facilitated sessions were held to help people completed the forms.  Further work was also being undertaken regarding the ward bulletins and neighbourhood groups and through the neighbourhood co-ordinators.  There will always be more things that can be done to improve how people can engage and be engaged with. 


There was a need to be mindful of recent consultations, trying to incorporate those views where possible and avoid duplications.  It was felt that consultation with residents of the borough should be embedded throughout the Council. 


The Chair said that the Council had come a long way in terms of how consultation is carried out and welcomed that it was recognised that there was further work to be done in terms of understanding how consultation should be conducted with wider and different sections of the community. 



1.    That Cabinet be advised that the recommendations be supported.

2.    That consideration is given to how equalities is presented in Council reports going forward.



Supporting documents: