· Governance
· Contract Delivery
· Legal
· Financial
· Communications
· Resources
Paul Hutchinson introduced the Annual Report which had been circulated prior to the meeting and highlighted the following issues relating to the Joint Waste Private Finance Initiative for the period April 2021 to March 2022:
· Resources
· Governance/Strategic Meetings
· Contract Delivery
· Legal
· Financial
· Communications
· Joint Working and BDR Support
Paul Hutchinson confirmed that it had been a very good year for the contract. All statutory meetings had been held. The recycling rate for 2021/22 was 14.96% which was an increase of 1.16% from 2020/21. The Bolton Road facility had also achieved 98.09% diversion from landfill, an increase of 0.21% on the previous year.
The tonnage forecast for April 2021 to March 2022 had been 211,000. However, the Year End Outturn had in fact been 219,000. The variance had been attributed to the prolonged effected of the second, third and fourth waves of COVID-19. March 2022 saw less waste than anticipated due to a later Easter at the same time as COVID-19 restrictions lifted resulting in less home working and home schooling. It was possible that the current cost of living crisis could now be taking effect and less waste may be being produced.
The number of complaints was down 84.3% to 22 and included four unsubstantiated complaints. Fly management had also improved and the Environment Agency were confident that all best practices were in place.
There had been minimal health and safety incidents and the contractor had obtained full cover of insurance for 2022. The lead insurer was still Aviva.
In terms of the 2021-22 Operational Management Budget expenditure, there was a £37,877 underspend. Most of the savings had come from prudent use of external consultants. Approval from the Joint Waste Board in September 2021 meant the Operational Management Budget was increased from £287,000 to £325,000 (+£38K) to cover the additional spend of £59k for the RMBC commissioned, Local Partnership produced, HWRC options appraisal project. In year savings had been achieved to cover the additional spend within the original budget of £287k.
The BDR Manager proposed that the Joint Waste Board approve the 22/23 budget which would remain at the same (original) level as 21/22 - £287,000. Expenditure had been profiled and re-calculated to ensure the team met all the anticipated workloads due in the 22/23 financial year.
Existing savings within the current management budget (0.4 vacant FTE of Senior Contract Officer Post) would be utilised to change the current Admin Assistant post into a three-tier career development grade, becoming Technical Officer. This post enhancement had been agreed to enable skill and knowledge gaining within the team to build for team continuity and future contingency planning.
In addition, a restructure to the current BDR team had been proposed and approved by Steering Committee. The re-structure would see two, two-year temporary positions created within the team, specifically to assist the BDR Partnership deliver the outcomes of the Recycling & Waste Strategy. The two posts to be created would be a Senior Technical Officer and an Admin Apprentice. The posts were to be temporary for two years. The recruitment date for both posts would depend upon the Government and their eventual revised timetable of the R&WS. A full year’s salary expenditure (with on-costs) would be £39,399 & £23,611 (pro-rata within the first and last year dependant on when recruited.) The Joint Waste Board was asked to approve this additional spend, and for it to be added to the Operational Management Budget.
In response to questions, it was confirmed that salary savings were the main reason the funding for the HWRC appraisal could be funded from the original budget. It was also confirmed that there was a risk that the proposed budget for 2022/23 would not be enough. However, Officers were of the view that it would be better to proceed with the proposed budget and if any further funds were required, a report would be brought back asking for those additional funds.
Questions were also asked in relation to the Waste Infrastructure Credits from DEFRA. It was confirmed that these were fixed for every year and do not change.
Paul Hutchinson advised that peaks in the Health and Safety “Near Miss” calls over particular months was in relation to proactive training and due to the fact that more people had begun working back on site following the pandemic in September, October and November.
That the report be noted.
That the Joint Waste Board approve the 22/23 budget which will
remain at the same (original) level as 21/22 at
3) The Joint Waste Board approve the additional spend for the new posts as outlined in Section 4.2.4 of the report, and for it to be added to the Operational Management Budget.
Supporting documents: