Agenda item


To note the Cabinets response to the recommendations arising from the scrutiny review of Post CSE Support Services.


Councillor Read introduced the report which had been presented to Cabinet on 16th May, 2022. All of the recommendations from the review had been accepted by Cabinet and were in the process of being actioned. In introducing the report, Councillor Read expressed his thanks to the sub-group for the review and acknowledged that it had taken longer than expected. The Council continued to try and provide the best support possible.


In seconding the report, Councillor Cusworth acknowledged the significant progress that had been made but confirmed that Scrutiny would continue to monitor the matter.


In response to a question from Councillor Bacon regrading Action C, it was confirmed that the action plan had been considered by the Improving Lives Select Commission and the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board before being accepted by Cabinet. As such, it was not for Cabinet to change the recommendations. However, the Leader confirmed that he would have no objection to widening the discussions to include the Improving Lives Select Commission, but that was not a matter for him to decide. Councillor Pitchley, Chair of Improving Lives Select Commission, confirmed that all Members were welcome to join discussions and any future sub-groups on this matter.


Councillor T. Collingham asked what support was available to young carers and for how long was that support available? The Leader explained that it completely depended on the individual situation. The initial pathway was time limited but the Council would also endeavour to offer as much support as they could as and when survivors required it.


Councillor Z. Collingham asked a question in relation to Action E which was about listening to survivors and the research at Sheffield Hallam University. He asked if it was an ambition of the Council to go beyond that research and organise independent engagement sessions with survivors, to keep it an on-going conversation about how survivors are finding services?


The Leader explained that it would be a changing picture over time. The situation the Council was in 5 years ago was not the situation the Council would find itself in now which would not be the situation the Council found itself in in 5 or 10 years’ time. The Leader stated that the piece of work that Sheffield Hallam University was doing was very important and that was an independent verification of Adult Services doing what needed to be done and what were survivors saying about that within the safety of a private conversation with a third party organisation. The results would be an important indicator and could result in changes going forward. The Leader did not believe that that work was completed and was, therefore  hesitant to pre-judge where it was. It was confirmed that once received, the results would be analysed and the Council would work out the best way forward.


Councillor Clark stated that this was the longest piece of work she had done as a Councillor. She asked if the Sheffield Hallam University research had been requested but no response received and also whether an all Members seminar would be held by the author of the report once it had been delivered?


The Leader confirmed that it was his understanding that the piece of work had not yet been concluded but he was confident that the report would be provided once it had. It was agreed that an all Members seminar would be held when the results were provided.


Resolved:-  That Council note that Cabinet approved the response to the recommendations, as summarised in the Cabinet report at Appendix 1 and detailed in Appendix 2.


Mover:- Councillor Read                         Seconder:- Councillor Cusworth

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