Agenda item

Tenant Scrutiny Review - Aids and Adaptations Update


To receive an update report and action plan in respect of housing aids and adaptations.


Consideration was given to a report providing an update on progress in delivering the actions agreed following a review of the Aids and Adaptations Service by the Tenant Scrutiny Panel. This review had been conducted as part of a continuous programme of service reviews which are undertaken by the Panel. The work of the Panel was facilitated and supported by Rotherfed, the Council’s Tenant Federation provider. The aim of the Panel was to investigate the customer journey for those using the Aids and Adaptations Service in terms of accessibility, clarity and fairness. The Tenant Scrutiny Panel completed its review in Spring 2021 and submitted a report describing the Panel’s findings, together with recommendations for service improvement. A report detailing the findings of the review and recommendations was received at Improving Places Select Commission on 29th June 2021. The Adaptations Manager described the range of actions undertaken in response to the recommendations. Customer contact systems and referral methods, triage stages, budgets and forecasting, efforts to sustain tenancies without moving, benchmarking and matters of policy and staff resource were described. It was noted that the full refresh of the policy had been delayed by pandemic impacts.


In discussion, clarification was requested in respect of current numbers of residents waiting for aids and adaptations. The response from officers noted that many referrals come into the service through the Housing Occupational Therapists. The backlog associated with this pathway is 48 weeks due to a NHS staff resource shortage in occupational therapy. Action plans are in place to filter through the backlogs. Team members are working with the occupational therapists to understand the backlogs and trusted assessors within the team are helping to work through the backlogs. Administratively, the case management system in use has also been evaluated to identify and resolve quick fixes. The service is very much cognisant that the qualified occupational therapists are responsible for making the recommendations to ensure the aid or adaptation meets individual needs, but the service were seeking out all fast-track options available to expedite backlog resolution.


A supplementary question was offered in respect of the possibility to utilise occupational therapist assistants for cases of less complexity. The response noted that a trusted assessor is a technical officer with experience who can oversee handrails for example. There is a further level required, for example, for level access showers. The service seeks to make best use of housing stock by sustaining tenancies in place where a move can be avoided. Currently, there was vacancy for occupational therapist assistant roles. Working in partnership with the NHS, training requirements in the team have lead times of 2-3 months from training to post.


Members noted the two topics excluded from scope of the tenant scrutiny review which were the housing allocations policy and the voids process and requested further clarification in respect of how the right to buy applies to a house with adaptations. The response from officers noted that the tenants aver in writing as part of the referral request that they were not requesting a right to buy. This situation is not seen to happen very often if at all. As part of the business review, consideration was being given to the policy to see what other authorities do as part of the benchmarking process. Transferring cost back onto the resident would likely not be looked on favourably, but it was an area for consideration which would be taken up as part of the ongoing review in collaboration with colleagues in the legal team.


Clarification around the point of contact was requested, as there can be conflation of repairs and adaptations. The response from officers noted that phone calls had been routed incorrectly of late, but this was being resolved. There are two officers on the phones handling calls every day, with consistent coverage from 8:30 to 5. Some extra referrals are received by the adaptations team which are considered by the occupational therapists in collaboration with the Housing Options Manager and with the Medical Assessment Team. Long term needs and possibility of short-term fixes are considered in order to make the best use of stock. A panel meets monthly to discuss these on a case-by-case basis.


Clarification was requested around how the adaptations policy figures in the broader housing policy structure and how the policy was expected to evolve in the foreseeable future. The response noted that the Adaptation Policy is separate from other policies but a related policy that will need to be developed is the Housing Assistance Policy, which is part of the regulatory form order. The upcoming review of the Adaptation Policy would need to incorporate development of the Housing Assistance Policy. The goal of the review is to design the policy in a way that does not unnecessarily restrict the service whilst providing a policy that is approachable to the general public and better serves residents.


The representative of Rotherfed noted the positive dialogue between the service and Rotherfed around the action plan implementation. As the completion of the policy approached, Tenant involvement in redrafting the policy could be given consideration as a valuable way to receive feedback. The response from officers noted the close relationship between the service and Rotherfed and the intention to include tenants in the redraft.




1.    That the progress report be noted.


2.    That the forthcoming leaflet be circulated to Members upon completion.



3.    That the refreshed Housing Policy be considered for scrutiny in early autumn 2023, or at an appropriate time to allow for the new policy to be embedded.


4.    That, pending assurances around prioritisation, the next update on Aids and Adaptations be received in early autumn 2023.

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