Agenda item

Housing Related Support Pathway - Proposal for Future Commissioning

Report from the Strategic Director for Adult Care, Housing and Public Health.




1.    That Cabinet approves the remodelling of existing Adult Housing Related Support services to create one single pathway which will support a ‘no wrong door’ approach into services.


2.    That Cabinet approves the procurement of the pathway using a 5 year Flexible Purchasing System which will be reviewed to ensure it remains fits for purpose and a progress report prepared for Cabinet


Consideration was given to the report which set out the recommendations for the future of Housing Related Support Services. These were non-statutory services that supported people experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless to live independently in the community. It was designed to complement the Council’s offer to alleviate and prevent homelessness.


          The proposals were a change to the current model, moving away from a set number of services for people with defined needs to one where resources could be more quickly accessed to meet needs, especially around complexity and where Service capacity could be better utilised.


          There would be an agreed overarching Service specification, co-designed with the market. The premise of this would be that all commissioned services would have the ability to support anyone at risk of homelessness irrespective of compounding or complex issues, in a person-centred way. This would be used to procure a group of experienced and skilled service providers that were able to provide support and accommodation either on a block basis of multiple units or as individual packages of support. The system would allow for changes in need and demand, allowing the Council to access quality places. It will also allow quick access to the market, in the form of good quality and contractually compliant providers to maximise future short-term grant funding opportunities.


          Details of the preferred option were set out in paragraph 3.1 to 3.10 of the report. A Flexible Purchasing System would be used to procure a group of providers and would give the Council the greatest chance of maximising opportunities through additional and unforeseen funding. It would also allow for providers to opt in for different levels and types of support in relation to short-term emergency accommodation-based support; accommodation-based support; and floating support (resettlement or prevention.)




1.    That Cabinet approve the remodelling of existing Adult Housing Related Support Services to create one single pathway which will support a ‘no wrong door’ approach into Services.


2.    That Cabinet approve the procurement of the pathway using a 5 years Flexible Purchasing System which will be reviewed to ensure it remains fits for purpose and a progress report prepared for Cabinet.

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